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About Me

Name: Joey Sim
Age: 24
Attached blissfully

Solely fictional. I relates my life and anything that took place throughout the day/month. :)
more $$
world peace
good health

Taggie N

Picture- X
Designer- X X
Brushes- X
Inspiration- X


Caroline H






Sandy Lim

My archiVEs
Thank god for Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm back! finally updated my blog again!~.. i tot it was all gone~ lolz..
Ms Leow nearly wan to deleted my blog! lolz.. hMm.. some updates..

11 July

Went for Ashton and Vivien's ROM at Rochester park~! the place was beautiful.. hAa.. this couple invited me and bEe eng to witness this special occasion~! hAa.. HonesT vivien was beautiful~~! the bride always look the prettiest during the marriage don't u agreed? hAa.. Ashton was dashing as a prince~! hAa.. dressed in all white with a gold tie~ lolz.. We had great food and company~!.. i love the cupcakes!lolz..

CONGRATS to the newly wed!~ Mr and Mrs Yong~!~

Thank god for Wednesday, July 08, 2009
-=life is short=-

Sat received a shocking news tat my dear fren nic has passed awae due to an accident in Army... it was rather shocking and all of sudden.. images of nic came into my mind.. although we are not tat close but somehow i talked and joke with him when we will in our poly.. he is a bubbly guy and a person with no motive.. His smile can realli give u a peace of mind and everyone do enjoy talking to him.. Went to his funeral on sat and saw how sandy trying to be strong really hurts.. i feel realli sorry for sandy but hope she can pull herself together.. god is realli unfair for him.. will be praying sandy and nic's family to be strong..

Nic u will always be in my memories....

Thank god for Friday, June 05, 2009
-=Our anniversary=-

Meet up with dear for dinner to celebrate our anniversary... No surprises nor present.. jus wanted time to sit down and spend quality time together... we met at Jurong point.. fickle-minded mi was so undecisive wad to hab for dinner.. Dear always let me have the power wad we ate for dinner.. cos he wanted mi to eat smth tat i like.. But everytime have to make decision was stressful.. at the same time i have to think whether he will also enjoy the food and etc.. dear has been giving in alot and i can sense tat too.. i think seriously me behaviour got to change.. dear seems to noe me too well.. i ought to change for the better.. hAa..

soft shell crab Maki

Potato salad

Dear's Main course

My main course

Overall the food was delicious especially the soft shell crab.. hAa.. some pp even ate tat for main course... hAa.. will visit again.. btw.. it's BenTen cafe at Jurong Point..

-=Michelle's BaBY=-

He was so Cute.. look like his dad..

Thank god for Thursday, June 04, 2009

Hi Peeps... i'm back from genting.. the trip was rush for us.. but indeed this few daes is the time we can spend together.. Well although it is a short trip but i enjoyed this trip.. didnt managed to go theme park but went to KL for shopping.. hAa.. bUt.. didnt managed to buy anything.. cos the price is also the same as in singapore.. This is also my first experience at the casino.. hAa.. realli an eye opener for me.. hAa.. Managed to play but doesnt like the feeling of it.. cos whenever i wanted to placed a bet.. my hands starts to shiver.. hAa.. well.. the only thing tat suits me will be jackpot lahz.. lolz.. cos i keep having free tries.. hAa.. i have lots and lots of pic to load.. hope to load them by next week.. cyAz..

Thank god for Saturday, May 23, 2009

YEe Thanks for everything.. and certainly my password nber changes.. lolz..
thanks for helping me to change a new skin for this blog.. U ahz.. everytime surprise me.. hAa.. this will only make me miss u more u noe.. My life is going to get back on track.. with the same usual work and Work.. I was hoping u could come back and meet up with us.. U are Having ur Exam SOon.. Pls.. Study haRd.. which i noe u will.. Sad to heard tat u cant come back this yEar.. but I will keep praying for a miracle.. Maybe buying a small 4D or Tio a Small TotO.. sO that i can ShaRe abit of Burden.. bTW.. i still haven get ur add in AuSsie.. i'll call u sometime next week after my genting trip... MeanwhIle.. i Must nAg u AbiT.. StuDy sTudY StudY~!

PS: i ReaLli LoVe u.. Thanks fOr the hArd Wrk... U Make my DaE~!

Thank god for Thursday, May 21, 2009
in case you don't see this!


many many love,

Thank god for Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monday meet up with joy, Nihui and michelle for lunch at toa payoh.. we went to pizza hut for their set lunch.. as it was lunch time, u will expect someone to lead you to ur seat and pass you the menu and etc.. but we waited at the pizza hut entrance and no one was there to lead us to the seats.. in fact we took the menu ourself and go straight to where there is available seats.. cant realli blame the staffs there.. there is only 2 staff in the restaurant itself and u can see the manager's face is black all the way.. hAa.. anywhere we still stay there despite the poor service provided...

after lunch we took a cab down to michelle's hse to look at Jayden Ho.. he is a cutie.. i tell u all ahz.. he super duper dao~! cos he nber smile at all.. no matter how we try... towards the end when we are about to go home and he was in his favourite "yao long" he finally smiled... hAa.. hAa.. no more writing.. look at his cute cute pic~!.. lolz.. had a great dae with them.. hope we can bring the kids out soon...

***** i just sign-in for Yy to post this blog post.
***** ops! Yy. dun angry k. jus nice that i still have your blog details. haha