Thank god
for Sunday, November 30, 2008
A SonG that touched my heart...
歌手:周杰伦 专辑:魔杰座
Thank god
for Saturday, November 29, 2008
-=An Experience which everyone will go through=-
Todae is the last dae for dear's grandma funeral... she died at the age of 89years old.. leaving all her beloved loved ones behind.. She is fortunate to lived till this age to c all her great grandsons and daughters.. Todae i went down with dear and her family.. When i reached there, everyone is looking utterly sad.. u can c pp crying all the way through the whole process.. my hearts pain when i saw pp crying.. life is so fragile indeed.. a week ago, i still saw her grandma looking gd.. a week later she has passed awae.. i think this is the process of life and death that everyone will go through.. Dear's grandma has strong will power to live.. doctor actually predicted that she will passed away two weeks ago.. but she struggle through this two weeks.. She was buried in choa chu kang Cemetery.. This is the first time which i follow through the whole process... i'm having mixed feeling now.. feeling utterly sad and loss at words.. don noe how to continue writing.. shall end here..
PS: Pls do cherish everything and anything in life.. you may not have a second time to do so..
-=Picture=- upload..
These picture will taken at costume costume..
Do i Look Like A CHinA SchOlAr??
-=I dO Look NiCe With A SailoR HaT=-
Modern ya huan??
Trying To Act SuPer DuPEr CuTe...
PIc taken with Dear's Cousin son and daughter..
This little girl and guy is pretty and handsome.. the girl called ziwei.. everyone called her "small chilli".. cos she has a fiery temper but she everytime like to stick with mi.. hAa.. she call mi Yy jie jie.. lolz..
Mi And ZiWei
This little boy call kaijie.. he is veri handsome lei.. he got two dimple when he smiles.. i'm so attracted to him.. he also like to stick with mi.. cos everytime i will call him noti boy.. he will luff like hell.. hAa..
How i wish i have a handsome son like him..
Me and KaiJie
Thank god
for Tuesday, November 25, 2008
-=REst In PeAce=-
Heard a sad news todae.. dear's grandma passed awae todae at 6.15pm.. Dear sms mi todae telling mi this sad news.. but didnt go down todae.. think i shall go down tml.. paying a last respect to the dead... Auntie and her slibings must be feeling sad but they are also mentally prepare to face this...
Life is fragile.. To aLL who always wanted to end their life.. pls cherish it.. as u only have this moment of happy times and sad times.. we don noe when we will meet again.. So EnjOy every mOmEnt of your life...
Thank god
for Sunday, November 23, 2008
LiFe Has bEen GOinG on SmooThly... HaPpen QuiTE aLot of ThinG.. but DOn intEnd to SAe it OUt HeRe.. JuS SOmE HappY MemOriEs will Do...
LoOkInG for CosTuMe For DiNnEr aNd DaNce.. wEnt To CosTumE CosTumE WiTh My ColleAgUe, VivIen.. Had A FUn ANd gREAt DAe.. COs We Did DrEss Up And TaKe a FeW PIC seCretly.. LOlz... AlsO HaVe DiNnEr TogEtheR From 8 To 10 pm.. waH.. Tat's Was A Long dInnEr.. hAa.. We ChAttEd all tHe WaY DurIng DinNer.. SHe Has a Similar personality with gernice.. everytime i TaLk to Her.. It rEmInDs Me of GerNiCe WhEn We were BaCK in SEc Sch... HoW i WisHed to See GerniCe usUal SelF AGain.. BUt it SeEms So ImPoSSIble...PIcs TAken At COsTuME CosTume wiLL upLoad soon.. hEe..
Dear BroUgHT A neW Car TodAe.. WEnT to NiSSan ShoWrOOm toDAe tO lOOk FOr hIs COusIn.. DEar BrOUgHt a NIsSan LAtIO SPorTs.. QUiTe StyLiSH aNd SPorTy.. SuiTs deAr tOO.. hAa..WaITinG FOr COE aNd MayBe He wiLL be Able to GEt HIs CAr in Dec.. WiLL UpLoAd hiS laTeSt CAr If i GOt ANy CHaNces.. hAa..
A NeW ColleaGue Jus Join Us THis month.. wEnt to NTU for WelcOme DInnER.. ORdERed RiDeYe And Mocha WiTh IcE crEam.. ThE FoOd wAS SO so.. NoT reaLli bAD or Tasty.. HaD a Karaoke SesSIOn after tAt.. hAa.. Think my CollEaGUe, ViVien aNd ElyNn Were prEttY craZy.. LOlx.. QuiTE EnJOy MySElf in THis DePartmeNT and EnJOy my Work.. THanKs to ED DepArtmEnt for TeAChinG me, EsP SOM DepaRtmEnt...
wEll GeT to KnoW 2 nEw fREn tOo, a GUy aND A GirL... hAa.. TheY are So FUnnY and cUTe.. SEriouS in work and aBlE to hAndlE it Well.. Well i THink MuSt LeARn From THeM lIAo.. hAa.. i Always Play arouND During WorK.. SHoULd Be MOre SeRIouS And HAve SOmE FoCUs.. hAa.. ThaNKs Wen CHin and BeE EnG.. ADd sOmE liFe inTO my WorK.. hAa..