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About Me

Name: Joey Sim
Age: 24
Attached blissfully

Solely fictional. I relates my life and anything that took place throughout the day/month. :)
more $$
world peace
good health

Taggie N

Picture- X
Designer- X X
Brushes- X
Inspiration- X


Caroline H






Sandy Lim

My archiVEs
Thank god for Thursday, August 26, 2004
-=BaD weEk=-

hAiYO.. Y This wEek SO mANy THinG hAPpen Going cRazy LiaO SIaz.. FirSt lOsInG Of MOnEy mAKe Mi hAVe To pAy $15 For It.. N Den My frEn N HEr Bf breAk oFf.. fRen N FrEN hAVinG ConfLiCt.. frEn N ThEiR gf hAVinG MisundErStaNdinG.. hAIyO.. thIs WeEk nOt A gD wEek SIaz.. sO mANy THinG haPPen.. BUt EveRYthinG is sETtLe Le lOHz.. HAIz.. SO fAn SIAz.. My acCoUnt pAPer GOt BaCk le.. hEe.. GEt 86 FOr it.. QuiTe hAPpy De le.. Tot cAN gEt A pAss cAN Le.. HEe.. BUt hAPpi fOr it... hEe.. WELL Now hAve to waIt fOR AuDit PAPer N Of cOs NeXt wEek HaVinG COsTInG paPer.. Pp WisH Mi gD luCK SIAz.. N THose HavInG exAm GOod luCK Ya.. :P

-=LovE deAr=-

hEeeE.. YeStERDAe SOoOOoO HAPPi SIAz.. dEar DeAr Get hALf daE OFf.. HAHA.. dEn he CAn aCc Mi Le.. cOs i NbEr wOrk.. hEe.. SO hAPpi.. LoVe BeinG with My BaBY.. SOmeTimE He's NOti BUt SOmEtimE He Is CuTe.. HUrHur!!! bUt He nbER faIlz TO EntERtAin Mi LOHz.. EveRYtiME maKe Mi LuFF N Of COs He LikE tO DiSTuRb mi sIaz.. HMpH!!! yEsTErDAe wENt OuT witH His fREn (CaLVIn) N hIs GF (IRenE)... HEE.. BUt yEstERdae THe WeAtheR Was So bAd.. hEe.. CAlvIn n irENe WAs DrEnCHeD.. hAa.. ORBI.. WHo ASK HIm eVeRYtimE BuLLy Mi.. hAa.. ReTrIButIOn SIaz.. Lolz.. But EaCh CoUplE inDeEd hAve A greAt TimE.. heE.. dEn wE WEnt TO WESt COaSt PaRk.. wOoOo.. neARLy rAin SIaz.. But luCKily It DidnT.. hEe.. dEn WE wENt OFF FirSt WitHouT inFOrMinG His fREN.. hAa.. DOn wANna DiSturB ThEm.. hEe.. wELL my dEAR inDeEd TreAT Mi vERi NiCE SIaz.. TAke caRE OF Mi N OF COs COnCeRN ABt Mi.. hEe.. LoVe Him LOTz.. N Ya.. ToOk NeOcARD WiTH HIm YeSteRdaE.. hEe.. SO hAPPi.. kekE.. dEAR dEAr lOVe U!!!! MuaCKz..

Thank god for Sunday, August 22, 2004
StOmaCh BuRStinG dAEz...

wOoo.. TodAe nEaRLy LaTe FOr worKz.. hAa.. LuCKiLy StiLL mAde It On TImE.. yEsTeRdAe QuitE laTe Den SLp COs deArie frENz Got SOmE prO.. dEn AcC my deAR.. mSg HIm.. So miSs HiM SIaz.. DON Noe Y WhEN i heARd tAt hIs Ex-sTeAd wAn to paTch With HIm i vEri sAd.. But i'm Glad Tat dEar's HeARt iS WiTh Mi.. LovE Him so muCHz.. mUACkz.. hEeEE.. TodAe nBer meEt Him COs He Go Pay VisiT to his gRAndmOtheR.. SO toDae mUst FInD oTHer "sTeAd" le.. hEe.. WELL.. FInd YEe TOdAE.. WeNt to maRinA SOuTh tO eAT steAmBOaT.. ACtuALly YeSteRdAe we WeNt witH ouR StEAd le.. hAa.. fEEling not sAtisfy WE WEnt baCK theRe AgAin.. hAa.. WOoO.. EAt ALot SIaz.. TiLL i WAnnA vOmit.. BUt StiLL ok.. But Don Noe y drANk AlOt Of wATeR sIaz.. HEe.. dEn WE wALkeD A diStAnCe To THe Bus stoP dEn wENt HOmE SeparAtEly.. HeE.. cALled My deAR le.. BUt He nbEr PiCK uP His PhOnE.. But He ReTurNEd mY cALl Jus NOw.. hEe.. LoVe tO hEaR hiS VOiCe N See HIm SmiLe.. COs SooOOo CuTe.. hEE.. hEy FrENz Jus wAN to TeLl u TAt SO FaR My deAR is tREatInG Mi vERi Gd.. N hOPe u aLl R DOinG FIne Ya.. TaKe cArEz.. N StAY In toucH.. MiSs u ALl tOo.. LoVe u DeAr dEAr!!!!! :pPp

****i alWaYs tOt Tat I wAs huRt WHeN I DIdnt ReceivE His LOvE... insTeAd i FOund Out My PaIn CAMe FROm WheN i DIdnT giVe Him eNOuGH LoVE....****

Thank god for Friday, August 20, 2004
(@= TirEd n hApPy dAe =@)

wELl So TirEd Of Life NOw.. worKinG And StudYinG.. CANt EvEN hAve TimE To rESt.. FinALly TOdAE HavE a GD reSt TodaE.. StaYinG At HOmE watChinG Tv.. WOOOOooo.. So lOnG nbEr LikE tAT LiAO hEe..TodAe rAinING SiAz.. The WeAtheR is So COld.. hEe.. Went to miChELle's HOuSe TodAe.. hEe.. sAW the Baby girLz.. vERi CutE wOrx.. hPyEr ActiVe SIaz.. hEe.. ToOk SOmE of THe Pic.. hEe.. ErM.. maYbe wiLl UploAd it SomE other TImE.. QuitE TirEd De.. bRougHt sOmE BirD nEst n a CaKe tO CelebRaTe Her BirThdAe.. hEe.. TOmolo is hER BirThdAE.. PoOr ThinG Tat SHe cANnOt Go Out.. BUt nVm.. NeXt yR maYBe CAn bRinG the BaBy Out N CeleBRatE le.. hEeE... heARd TAt She is havinG a Lot of DiFfiCUlTiEs.. BUt HOpe The maTTEr WiLl pAss N SOon SHe wiLl be aBLe tO work N Not nAg By Her In-laWs.. HaD My aCcOunT TeSt tOdAE.. ERm.. StiLl Can Do Ba.. HOPe cAn Get A paSs Can le.. DOn eXpeCt MuCH.. hEe.. MiSs my DeaR deAr.. hEe.. But He's SlEEpinG NOw SIAz.. HAIz.. C HIm SO tirEd I aLso BOrinG.. NothinG to do At HoMe SOmEmoRe TOdAE is FridAe No tV ShOw TO watCh aLso maYbe WiLl watCH VCD laTer DEn Do SmTH (SeCReT) For HIm.. hEe.. YeSteRdae plaY vOlleYbALl so BorinG siaz.. teAcher's TrAininG gEtTing moRE n moRe BorinGz.. den my leg oso got blue black siaz.. jus saw it.. So pAin.. hAIz.. cANt TeLl deAR if Not he suRE AsK mi DOn plAy le.. hAIz.. erm.. thinK WritE tiLl hEre Ba.. nEXt timE uploAd The bAby PiC dEn Show u ALl.. hEe.. cyAz fRENz..

-=How To Be A Better Couple=-

10 steps to enjoying each other better...

1. Be realistic about each other.
Don't try to turn ur partner into something he or she is not. Let's face it, guys-there's only 1 Pamela Anderson in the world, and even she has had her implants removed! Give ur gal a break and understand that her physical appearance is NOT going to change overnite with the help of a few facials or treatments. And ladies, Brad Pitt has already been taken, so u're gonna have to do with what ur guy is like! Chill out, love each other for what u are. There is more to ur partner than what meets the eye.

2. Always talk things out.
Now guys, I know this is not ur fave pastime or mode of resolving issues, but u know what? This works with the gals. Don't make assumptions about each other's feelings. Learn to xpress urself better so that ur partner undrstands what u're angry about, or hurt about, or even happy about! When u stop talking to each other from the heart, it's the beginning of the end.

3. Do stuff together.
Make an effort to do t hings together. Do some sports or involve urselves in some shared activities; something both of u enjoy or are interested in. It could be as simple as watching movies together, or jus strolling hand-in-hand down Orchard Road. Watch soccor with him once in a while though the green patch on TV puts u to sleep in 3 seconds. And guys, do give in if ur gal asks for another day at window-shopping, rather than suggest that she go out with her girlfriends for "that sort of activities" instead. If u're spending more time with ur friends rather than with ur partner, it's a warning sign that u're drifting apart!!!

4. Meet each other halfway.
If he agrees to throw out that rotten T-shirt with the "The_Rock" print, u shouldn't kick up much of a fuss if he asks u to keep ur room tidy... There's gotta be a little giving and taking in a relationship, so learn to meet each other halfway.

5.Show ur love
Buy her flowers or candy or perfume everynow and then, even if u have been together for 5years. It's wonderful to continue showing someone that u care for him or her. Cook him a special meal, paint him a Valentine's Day card. Knit him mini-socks he can't wear ( like for decoration purposes => ), buy him a packet of milk for breakfast, or pack his wardrobe for him...so he knows u can still be romantic and loving despite having been together for quite a while.

6. Respect each other.
Stop making jokes about her hair or skin, or whatever it is u love to laugh at. Ask urself if she thinks if its funny. And if he has an inferiority complex about his height, stop ogling at tall guys and make him feel worse! Love is about respecting each other's feelings and being sensitive to each other at all times.

7. Bury the past.
Stop bringing up the past. Gals..don't bring up the happy things about u and ur ex to ur guy, it would jus make him jealous or unhappy. And guys, don't talk about the happy times that u had with ur ex or mention about her in ur every other sentence as it would make ur gal feel un-happy and she might think that u saying all this b'cos u are gonna get back with ur ex or not interested in her anymore.

8. Sit on ur jealousy.
All of us go thru' spells of insecurity at the beginning of the relationship, but don't translate that insecurity into jealousy. If u're gonna go through ur partner's mail and cupboard, and eavesdropping on conversations, u know something is wrong - with u!!! Jealousy is like a poison that slowly spreads thru' the relationship before finall y killing it. Trust ur partner; love has to have trust in it.

9. Keep ur commitments to each other.
If ur partner is standing u up all the time and cancelling dates and breaking promises, u need to talk! If u're in a relationship, make ur partner ur priority and don't disappoint them if u can help it. It's really terrible when someone promises to take u to dinner, and then calls to cancel it. Don't make promises u can't keep. If ur partner starts to feel that he/she is not important enough to u, u may jus lose him/her.

10. Be honest.
Honesty is not scowling at how awful she looks first thing in the morning, or telling him that he has the biceps of a fly~! When we say "be honest", we mean expressing < EM>ur feelings clearly, not being bitingly cruel. When u're hurt, say so, and when u're angry, tell him/her, w/o getting hysterical. If u can't be honest with ur partner, who can u be honest with? æ Love is also about honesty, and a relationship where no honesty exists probably isn't worth it!

****i AlwAYs TOt TAt i wAs huRt WhEn i DIdnT recEive His LoVe.. InsTeAd i FOunD out My pAin cAMe fROm WheN i DIdnt GiVe Him eNOuGH lOVe...****

Thank god for Tuesday, August 17, 2004

HAlO DiaRy.. i MiSs u.. ThIs is THe place WheRe i cAN WrIte EveRYthinG i wAn.. laSt weEk HaVe a MisUndErsTaNdinG witH XiAOli N nOw we DOn eVeN COntact.. M i StiLL a FrEN to hER? Or The FrenSHiP Jus EnDed.. Her MinD is ALl DaRyl NOw.. everYwheRe she GoEs daRyl is With heR.. I'm Glad SHe FOunD HIm BUt DOeS TAt meAN sHe CAn NegleCt her frEnz? Do I Have a plaCe In HEr heARt.. Or is WhEn sHe nEEd Mi SHe WiLl COme TO mi.. i'm GetTing SicK of THis kInd Of life.. bUt tHere's NOthinG i CAn dO Abt it.. lEt it Be Ba.. i CANt be borTher AnyMOre..

=Mi N deaR=

vOlleYbaLl n woRK TOok UP So muCH timE in my liFe Tat i DOn eVen hAve TimE FOr deAR.. hE DOn sEem to reALli Like mi puTting SO muCH time In volleyBall BuT tat's my inteReSt...N this Is GOinG to Be THe laSt Yr In iTe PlAyinG FOr IVP.. hAIz.. i rEALli DOn Noe.. fEELing So loSt.. i lOVe My deAR waNted tO meEt HIm almosT eVeRyDAe.. BUt i just sImplY cANt.. AlthOugh He nbEr sAy ANythinG But i cAN teLl tAT he don like.. hE meAn ALot TO mi.. BUt he THinks tAt volleyBall is important to mi.. i'm So SorRy to let HIm hAve THis kinD of THinking.. BUt i Jus CAnt hELp it.. On THe VerGe Of lOSinG a FrEnz N DisaPpoint my deAr i DOn reALLi Noe wAD to DO NOw.. this fEW daEs in Sch haVing leSs TOPiC with my frEnz.. DOn reALLi wAN to tALk So mucH NOwAdaEs.. TryinG to Put a BrAVe siDe so tAT to leT tHEM NOe TAt therE's NOtHinG WROng in Mi.. BUt i reALli vERi tirED.. wAntEd SO muCH to spEak TO SOmeOnE.. But Onli YEe caMe to my MinD.. ThaNKz YEe.. If NOt FOr U.. maYBe i WiLl be CrYinG le.. THaNKz GiRLz.. SOmEtimE WhEn i M ALonE.. i DOn HaVe ANy SecuriTy.. deAr DOn giVe mi a Sense oF SeCuRity.. i DOn NOe.. VEri sCaREd.. *SOb SOb* hAIz.. BUt LiFE hAve TO caRry On.. maYbe wOrk CAn SOmEtimE let mi relax aBit.. thANKz GOd.. N eVeRyOnE who caRes.. ThaNKz.. HOPE i wiLl be stROnG Ya.. mAY GOd bLeSs U ALl..

Ps: YEe Jia YOU.. DOn gIve UP On AnYTHinG Yet.. DOn caRe wAD TeACheR sAe.. proVe to HIm TAt wiThOuT HIm u CAN DO iT.. GOd wiLL alwAyS Be witH U.. :P

Thank god for Thursday, August 12, 2004
-@deaR N Mi@-

wOoo.. MiSs my BLoGGy.. My FRenz SO SorRy nbEr kEEp u ALl UPdaTe Abt my LIfe.. My Tag BOArd THeRe is SOmEThinG N ThERe's noThinG i cAn Do ABt it.. So If ANyone Noes Abt it.. DO mSg Mi k.. THaNkz AHz.. wEll.. Sch juSt sTaRtEd.. BuSy BusY BusY.. DOn FeEL likE StuDying siaz.. SO BorEd.. weLL TheRe's SOmEOnE WHO AlwAys aSK Mi tO KEeP On StuDyinG N Of cOs TAt is my DeAR! hEe..The FirSt MOnTH wAs A TOuGH MOnTH FOr Us.. SEEinG LeSsEr, BusY witH eaCh oTHer WOrk.. CaNt MeET UP FOr DiNnEr At aLl.. BUt hE aLwaYs mAKe Time FOr Mi.. evEn He Is in caMp Le StiLl cOmE to My WOrkplACe N PiCK Mi UP..SO TOuCHeD SIaz.. DOn NOe TAt He SO dote On Mi.. spolit Mi osO DOn NOe.. LOlz.. But he CArEs FOr Mi in EveRyWAy.. lOVe HIm SO mucH.. weLL the SeCOnD MOnTh We GOt To mEeT Up more OfTEn thAN usuALly Jus A fEw houRs NOt meEtinG We wiLL think Of EacH otHer.. hAa.. (DON EnVy).. LOlz.. weLL.. hE Even TAke OFf tOdAE n CAmE to sCH to piCk Mi up FOr LunCH.. FiRSt timE siaz.. HeE.. erM.. THe ROmAnTiC StoRy wiLl stiLl GoEs On.................................. :P


sCh Jus SuCKz.. I HaTe it SIaz.. DOn fEEL like GOing ANymoRE.. So sicK N tirEd oF Mi.. the teacher jus suckz.. so nAGGinG.. hEY!! i pAy SCh fEEs.. It's MY buSInEss WheThER i wAN to GO ANOt.. BUt i'm SicK THis FEw daEs K!!! So DOn keEp BoTheRing Mi.. U R So AnnOyinG!!!! manaGe to COmplETed aLOt of WoRKHOmE.. SO mANy WORk to DO.. hEY WE R NOt RObOTs k!!! WE R oSO HUmANz.. DOn fEEl like plaYinG IVP ANYMOre.. NO moOOd.. wElL i raTheR gO SqS N hAVe FUn raTheR At BishAN.. it JUs SucKz.. My teAM maTEs will GreAt GIrLz.. WE DOnE OurSelF PrOuD.. U GirLz ROCKz.. HEe.. MuACKz.. But SOmE iDIOt SpoilT THe FUn oF it.. mAKinG Mi So SicK N tirEd Of playInG.. But WiLl PlAy FOr micHElLe's sAke.. hEe.. COs We R oRaNgE!!! LOlz.. hOPe This YR IVP wiLL win!!! Jia YOu le!!! :P weLL.. hEARd TAt YI is HAVInG lots oF sTrEss In Her WOrk.. So Sad TAT i Not SaME clASs witH hEr.. BUt HOPe SHe cAn COPe WitH HEr WOrKz.. GirL Jia YOu le.. wELL EveRYonE Must WorK hARd FOr Ur GoALz Ya.. GAnBAtE!!!!!!!

****i aLwaYs TOt TAT i WAs HuRt WhEN i DIDnt ReCEiVE HIs LOVe.... InSteAd i FOunD Out TAt My PaIN cAMe fROm WHen i DIdnT giVE HIm EnOuGh LoVE.....****