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About Me

Name: Joey Sim
Age: 24
Attached blissfully

Solely fictional. I relates my life and anything that took place throughout the day/month. :)
more $$
world peace
good health

Taggie N

Picture- X
Designer- X X
Brushes- X
Inspiration- X


Caroline H






Sandy Lim

My archiVEs
Thank god for Sunday, May 23, 2004
-+haPPy MOrNinG+-

todAe sTAy AT HomE Whole dAe befOrE GOinG to worK.. hAa.. i sAng sOng ToDAe.. QuiTE hAPpi in THe moRNinG.. dEn wENt to woRK.. chaT wiTh tItUs n jolenE.. quIte FUn De.. eSP TiTUs TAlk ALOt N Act aLOt lIke laDy.. LOlz.. SO fuNny.. dEn cAMe aLOng WilFrEd.. TAt iDIOt.. kEEp sAyInG Mi sIaz.. dEN SuaY mi N crApz wiTH Mi THe wHOLe nietZ bA.. he quite A nicE gUyz.. THink We R The bEst craPsTer N jOkER bA.. hAa.. wELl gREat KnOwInG a fRen LikE Him Ya.. :P

-=SAd n LoneLy=-

wELl toDAe MeEt sOmEOne From neT.. intRO hIm to YOng SIng Oso.. i wAs Like THe LiGHtbulB SIaz.. TheY kEEp TALkinG.. dEn i wAs LeFt OUt.. shLdnT haVe prOmiSe Them.. sO reGREt.. Onli mAKe mysELf Sad OnLi.. THe fEELing wAs NOt reALli gOOd LOh.. HaTe it sIaz.. It SucKz.. But wAD cAN i do.. nEXt tImE DOn wANna mEt ThEM aT aLl.. DON WAN LE.. INCLUDE YONGSING Ba.. so leFtOUt.. WAs lIke HaVIng THe BAd fEELing WhEn i hAb In My sCe sCh.. WhEn My frENz lEFt Mi.. SO sAd WAn u NOe.. But tHey wOnt underStAnD cOs THey R NOt Mi.. bUt u ALl maY TELl mi IRc GUYs NOt GD blah blAH BLah.. BUt SOme Gd WAns Tat We DOn Noe.. weLl mEEt One Guy youngEr dEN mi.. quiTE gd de.. cHAt WitH mi maKe mi luFf SOmemOre.. HAIz.. DOn NOe WhetHEr Like a peRSOn Whu is Older Or YOunGer bETter... maYbe shLd lIke THe perSon WITh fEELing ba.. weLl C fATe Ba.. i osO DOn WAn to aNyhOw lIke A peRSOn ANywAy.. ya.. MiSs seOwlI ALOt.. ALthOUgH sAw Her TOdAe.. But wANtEd tO hUg her.. maYBe SHe is THe OnLi PerSOn i CAn tHinK of When I'm sAd.. COs There Was reALli No One i CAn THinK of.. hAIz.. ALl my frENz haVe tHeiR StEAd oR WadevER SO i osO dOn Wan tO bothER TheMz.. hAIz.. mIss THe Old DAEs In sEc Sch.. MisS u Guyz.. *muaCKz*

****i TOt tAT i wAs huRt whEn i SiDnT recEivE His LovE.. inStEAd i FOunD OUt My pAin CAMe frOm WhEn i DidNt gIVe HIm eNOuGH LoVe.. ****

Thank god for Thursday, May 20, 2004
-=BoRinG dAe=-

TodAe siCk Siaz.. SiaNz Ahz.. boRinG Ahz.. dEn StuDY oSO CAn mEMoRiEs SIaz.. DOn NOe wAd my bRAin is DOinG.. tODae Like vERi tirEd osO.. DOn Noe y.. But hOpe CAn rEmemBer SmTh.. tOdAe sO pAi sei NbEr gO sTuDy WiTh mY fReNz.. PuT ThEm AeRoPlAnE.. sOoO sOrRy.. hOPe toMolo They WOnt ScOLd Mi Ba..weLl THis feWs Daes WeNt TO sTudY wiTh fANnY n jAC.. tHeY teACh Mi HOw to dO N Etc.. wELl reALli leARnt SMth.. If NOt i At home oSO wOnt StudY leI.. ThaNKz TO My fREnz.. ERM This fEw daEz nOtHinG to WRite.. So Pp DOn GEt bOrEd Ya.. wiLl kEEp prAyinG to gOd.. ASkInG For ForGiVEnEss.. prAyinG fOr My frEnz fOr TheiR exAM tOo.. TAKe caREz PaLz.. NitEz.. *mAUcKz*

****i AlwAyS toT tAT i wAS huRt WhEN i DiDNt recEivE HIs lOVe...InStEAd, i FOunD ouT My PaIn cAMe fROm WhEN i DIdnT gIvE HIm enOuGH LovE...****

Thank god for Monday, May 17, 2004
-=TIrEd dAE=-

WOoO.. YeSteRdAE SlePt vERi laTe sIaz.. TRyinG to sAvE The uselEss cOm.. hAIz.. But To No AvaIl.. it cant Be sAved.. So speNt The laTe NiGHt aSKiNG lAw N VIC aBt the pRobLEM to solVe The UsEleSs Com.. But ThaNKz fOr TheiR hELp.. It Can bE saVEd.. MayBe i NeEd TO Buy a nEW OnE.. wahAhA.. dEn TodAe OSO nbEr meEt xiaOLi They ALl For LuNCH cOs tOo TirEd LiAO.. dEn TodAE want To meEt HuIyI wAn But SHe wAN TO meEt mI latEr At The airPOrt.. So i DOn WAN to GO.. latEr i scaRed COmE hOmE vEri laTe LiAO.. dEn I WEnt to weSt mALl to StuDY myseLf.. AfTeR tAT yOnGsiNG Join Mi.. SHe wAntEd tO Buy SOmE OutfIT FOr HeR wOrk.. dEn wENt To weSt mALl ShOP SHoP!~~!.. bROugHt MYsELf A nEw paIr Of ShOe, One ShirT n SOmE girLs ThinGz.. Keke.. dEN mEEt NiHuI GoinG to heR hsE to BurN CD.. trOuBlE her Siaz.. BUt wANtEd To lisTeN To tHe SOnG.. DOn wAn tO waStE MonEy BuYinG CD.. No MonEy le. So DOn wAn tO AnYhOw SPeNt MOnEy.. hEe.. WeLl.. HOPe tOdaE i reALli sTudY smth.. TonIGHt MusT BurN MiDnight OiL liaO.. sTudY BF.. TOmOlo mEETinG jac TheY ALl To Study.. So hOPe cAN StuDY Some AcCOunT.. HEE.. weLl miSs my BlogGy.. *MuacKz*.. mIss mY fRENz ToO.. fREnz HOw R U.. hAIz.. GOd BlEss EverYonE.. Take caREz.. :P

**** i WAs TOt TAt I wAs huRt WhEn i DIdnT reCeiVe hIs LovE.. inStEAd i FOunD ouT my PaiN cAmE fROm WhEn i DIdnT GivE HIm enouGh LoVe...****

-=TOopiD CoM=-
WAh.. ArGH.. This COm Of MinE is dRiVInG mi crazy SIaz.. all my bROtHer FauLt.. WhO Ask TO swItcH On tHe COm on 30 ApRiL SOmEmorE is lAw BirThdAE.. thinK Law pasS The Bad luCK to Mi SIaz.. hAa.. (juSt KiDdInG)nOw THiS dAmN Com cAnt WorK.. in OnE MIn TImE It WiLl resTaRt.. hAIz.. todAE nbER went to Church hAIz.. StomAch pAIn.. crAmPz sIaz.. hAIz.. BUt AlrIgHt aBIt LIAo.. dEN TodAe weNt To bAO gEge's faThER FUnerAl.. HAIz.. tAT wAS SucH A SudDen Death FOr His faThER N suDdEn attAcK fOr THe FOur bRotHERs N theIr MUm.. BUt HOPe TheY cAN AccePt THe trUTH yA.. fEel sO sAD FOr ThEm.. wELl.. nExt wEek is StudY weEk gONna studY le.. CAnt aLways COmE onLinE le.. SO DOn MiSs Mi gUYz.. TAKe caREz YA.. N enJOy Ur hOLidAe.. MiSsinG u... muACkZ..

Thank god for Thursday, May 13, 2004
-=BusY weEk=-

ohhHhh... SO LOnG nbEr WrITe My bLOg le.. hEe.. So My frEnz R u ALl waitinG to C My BLOg.. hEe.. SoRRy AHz.. THiS feW wEeK is So BuSy.. N SOmEMorE My cOM BROke DowN.. dEn cAnNOt GO OnLinE.. hAIz.. wOrk Is fUn FOr Mi.. KnOwInG lOts Of Pp.. hEe.. JUsT mEet xiAoli LASt WeEk.. weLl.. ShE reALLi SLiM dOwN AlOt..TheRE weRe SOmE MiSundErstAnDInG aBt HEr N daRyl.. BUt.. It Is Ok Le.. hEE.. WeLL DarYl jUs HaB hIs OpeRaTIOn hOPe He Is aLrIgHT.. gEt WeLl SOoN.. :P tOmOlO is THe last dAE OF SCh... My claSs is SplITtinG sOOn.. So SaD.. tOdAE wiLl bE The lasT dAE FOR GaTheriNG le.. HAIz.. DOn NOE nexT YeaR Wad cLaSs wiLL i BE.. N dOn nOe WHu WiLL bE IN THe sAMe claSs AS Mi.. hAIz.. HoPE tAT mUm MUm LaM Don spLIt Us.. WE WiLl hAb A laSt gAtheRinG aFtEr THe eXAm.. WeLL OuR cLaSs is GeTtinG morE N MoRE UnItED.. bUt tOo Bad we wiLL aLl bE GOinG sEpaRAte claSs.. hAIz.. SuCH a sAD wEek.. hOPe i WiLl be GOinG tO My chUrCh reGulArY.. giVInG gOd tHe FirSt hOnOuR.. muST kEEp prAyInG.. HoPE eVerYtHinG wiLl bE AlRigHt.. Ya.. mIss All mY fRENz.. TaKE caREz AHz.. KeEP cOntaCT!~!~ muACkz...


Be sure to click on the word "smile" at the end of this.

(This has 2 parts: a list and at the end, something to open--enjoy!)

The most destructive habit..............................Worry
The greatest Joy.......................................Giving
The greatest loss........................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work.......................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.....................Selfishness
The most endangered species.................Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.......................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"..................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.........................Fear

The most effective sleeping pill................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease....................Excuses
The most powerful force in life..........................Love

The most dangerous pariah..........................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer................The brain
The worst thing to be without.... ........................ Hope

The deadliest weapon...............................The tongue
The two most power-filled words......................."I Can"
The greatest asset......................................Faith

The most worthless emotion..........................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire..............................SMILE!
The most prized possession......................... Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication.............Prayer
The most contagious spirit.........................Enthusiasm

Everyone needs this list to live by...pass it along!!!

This is one you'll like. Someone put in a lot of effort to compile this. Just click on the word "smile" below and get ready to enjoy.


****i wAs TOt tAT i WAS HurT WheN i DidnT ReCeivE HiS lOVe... InSteAd i FOuNd Out my PaIn Came fROm WheN i DiDnt GiVe HIm enOuGH LovE...****

Thank god for Wednesday, May 05, 2004
-=UnPleaSanT N hAPpi dAe=-


yEsTerDae ThE WeATheR vERi hOt.. So mY tEmpEr wAs vERi bAd.. kEEp oN ScOldinG Pp n Of COs PuT my fRustRatiOn On Pp.. hAIz.. cAnNOt bLAMe Mi.. COs The fEelinG wAs vEri Veri pEk chEy.. i oSO DOn Noe y.. hAIz.. SoRRy Ahz My frEnz if i hAve ScOldED u aLl.. YesterdaE WAs meEtinG xiAOlI Wan but She let Mi waIt fOr thiRty Min.. So AnGry Tat i DOn WAN to mEet hER went to eAt ALonE.. sAd RitE.. EAT ALonE lei!!!!!! But oK LAh.. Go tO wOrk sAw JolEne dEn She mAke fun Of Mi.. hAa.. QuiTE hAPPy aT wOrk.. woRk wAs fiNe FOr Mi.. BUT Tat tOPId FuRonG fInD The wrOnG MonEy TO a cuStOmEr MaKe mi haB to pay ThIrTy ceNtz.. hAa.. But cAnNOt bLaMe hIm lAh.. He So neRVouS.. LOlz.. But actuALLy he oSO tRYinG to leaRn hiS bEsT To leARn lAh.. HEe.. pAI SeI iF i hAb sCoLDEd u.. (BUt i tHINK i nbEr did ritE).. hEe.. dEn yEsTerDaE meEt YonG SinG FOr suPper.. dEn Ah pANg CaLl mi chiT chAt.. hAa.. i paSs THe PhOnE to YOng SinG N sHe chattEd witH Ah pANg dEn he WaS Like ScOldinG mi Y pasS The PhOnE to hEr.. LOlz.. SO FuNny.. TOt of AskinG Him To ChAsE yong SinG.. bUt He Sae hE DOn wAN.. hAa.. eRm.. yEsterDae wAS So tirEd.. Tat i ReAch HOmE QuiCkly fALl AsLeEp Le.. HEe.. MiSs my blOgGy N My frENz xiAoli.. hOPe She is DOinG wELl.. wOrK In The sAMe plaCe doesnT meAn CaN meEt.. hAIz.. TaKE cAREz Ahz giRL.. *hUGgiEs*

**** i ToT Tat i wAs huRt WhEN I diDnT recEiVe HIs LoVe.. inStEAd i FOunD Out mY Pain CaMe fRom whEn I DiDnt Give Him enOuGh LoVe....****

Thank god for Tuesday, May 04, 2004

weLl.. My ToOPId bRotHer SpoIlT The comPuTer.. MaKe Mi cANt wRitE My BLoG.. So sAd SIaz.. tHInk muSt FinD Pp N repaIr le.. aLl his faulT SIaz.. MiSs My BlOGgY.. hAa.. But nVM StiLl CAn WriTe it in sCH.. LOlz.. erM.. FeELinG abIt SiCK laSt wEeK.. But WAs aLriGHt nOw.. :p ThaNKz my frEN fOr THe COnCern Ya.. cAnt mAKe it to chuRCh laSt wEek.. cOs my Dad Was SO AngRy WiTH Mi.. For CominG lAte THe prEviOus niTez.. So AngRy SIaz.. Now he WAs SO StriCt wiTh Mi.. But.... The neXt dAe MEEt BOtH My parEnt At ChinAtOWn.. SpeNt ABOuT 80 plus on cLotHes.. So hAPpi SIaz.. LOlz.. weLl Not my mOnEy.. Lolz.. DEn wAs reaLLi HaPpy tAT dAe.. hAa..


WoRK wAs GoinG FinE fOr Mi.. LOlz.. QuiTe fUn To NOe The pp TheRe n The EnViRonMENt Was gD.. LOlz.. loVe the plAce AS it GOt The preSence of GOd thEre.. HAa.. LoVe The SOng, bOOk N Of cOs The Pp TheRe.. thEy wErE fRieNdLy n NiCe.. gReAt KnOwInG thEm Ya.. :p wELl yEsTeRdAe i wORk wiTH 6 plUs But reACh TheRE aBt 5 plUs den wEnt tO Eat witH yEe.. wALk arounD SuntEc fOr A WhilE.. hEe.. wENt to wOrk.. woRK wiTH furOnG.. WeLl.. i'm oSo New TheRe.. But hAb to teACh WAdeVER i Noe To hIm.. wELl.. YEe stAy WiTH us TiLl 8 i tHinK.. She hELp mi TeaCh furOnG alot oF ThinGz.. So i cAn Go ToP up TOuCh Up The ThinGs in The SHOp.. hEe.. LuCkiLy yEstErDae cloSInG Was fInE for Mi.. everyThinG Go On SmOOtHly.. hEe.. cOs DOinG it FOr the fiRSt tiME alonE n teAChing sOmEoNe tOo.. hEe.. ThaNKz gOd ya.. :P thIs wEek GOinG to Be A buSy weEk.. MoStLy speNt timE on wOrk.. DOn eVEn hAv TImE for faMiLy.. HaIz.. dad's BiRthdAe N motHEr's dAe is COmInG.. wAD m i gOinG to giVe.. hAIz.. -_-""""""


sCh wAs fInE.. But GeTtInG BorEd in It.. teACheR kEep On GoinG thROuGh THe sAMe ThinGz.. making mi borEd n wanTEd to SLp.. But LucKiLy i nbEr.. Lolz.. managEd nOt to slP in THe lesSon Ya.. LoTs of SeCret wIth my fREnz n hAViNG FUn wiTH tHem.. We hAb StARting PlAnNing Wad To dO AfTeR The eXaM.. LOlz..hEy.. The eXaM havEN stArteD N wE stARt PlAnNinG wAd WE GOinG to enJoy AfTer Tat.. Lolz.. Tat wAs nOt a gD sIGn ahz.. HEe.. weLl.. MuSt stuDy hArd le.. Jia YOu le YinGyinG.. :P


a SudDEn TOt Of misSinG my fREnz.. THe dAes WE sPeNt in sEc SCh.. THe mEMorIes i hAb with tHem.. miSs thEm aLOt.. mAYBe wiLl mEEt ThEM DuRInG the hOliDAe Ba.. :p Don nOe wiLl thEy tHinK of Mi.. hEe. i miSs u ALl... *muacKz*... huGGiEs~!~!~!

>(Act 1)
>Ah Beng calls the telephone operator:
>Ah Beng: "Could you please tell me the time difference between
>and New York?"
>Operator: "Just a minute..."
>Ah Beng: "Thank you."
>Ah Beng got his answer and cut off the line.
>(Act 2)
>At a bar in New York, the man sat next to Ah Beng told the bartender,
>"JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE."and his companion said, "JACK
>The bartender turned to Ah Beng and asked, "AND YOU, SIR?"
>Ah Beng replied: "Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED."
>(Act 3)
>After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite
>Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a friend.
>"It took me only 5 MONTHS to do it," Ah Beng said.
>"FIVE MONTHS? Why did you take so long." the friend asked.
>Ah Beng replied, "No, it is not long at all, look at the box, it
>says it is for 4 to 7 years".
>(Act 4)
>Ah Beng took part in the Singapore Manhunt Competition.
>During the Q&A segment, the host asks, "Name a drink that begins with
>letter 'G'."
>The crowd shouts, "Gin! Gin!". Others exclaim, "No, its Grape Juice!"
>Another smart aleck yells, "Alamak, Gatorade!"
>Host : "Quiet please."
>Ah Beng laughs hysterically like a hyena before replying, "C'mon man,
>don't need their help? I got more original answer. My answer is "Gu
>(milk in Hokkien)
>(Act 5)
>Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it when he
>some problems. After a few attempts, he decided to use the 'Help'
>Soon after, he became very irritated and called the computer shop for
>Ah Beng : "I pressed the 'F1' key for help... but it's been over half
>hour & still nobody has come to help me...."
>(Act 6)
>In the class.
>Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"
>Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother"
>Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"
>Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents means cowboy's father and mother.
>Also can say Cowboy's father is Cow Pay and Cowboy's mother is Cow
>So if they walk together, we can say they are 'Cow Pay Cow Boo'".
>(Act 7)
>Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him
what had
>happened to his ears and he answered," I was ironing a shirt and the
>ring lor- but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked
up the
>iron and stuck it to my ear. So Kena lor!"
>"Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But, what happened to
>other ear?"
>Ah Beng: "That stupid fellow called back again loh!"
>(Act 8)
>Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends?
>Because according to the advertisement, below 18 is not allowed to go

**** i wAs tOt tAt i wAs huRt wHen i DIdnT reCEive His lOve... insteAd i FOunD ouT My pAin CamE fROm wHen i DidNt GiVe HIm enOuGh loVe...****