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About Me

Name: Joey Sim
Age: 24
Attached blissfully

Solely fictional. I relates my life and anything that took place throughout the day/month. :)
more $$
world peace
good health

Taggie N

Picture- X
Designer- X X
Brushes- X
Inspiration- X


Caroline H






Sandy Lim

My archiVEs
Thank god for Thursday, April 29, 2004
-=tESt OvEr=-

WaH.. reaLli laZy SIa recEnTLy.. tOo tirEd to OnLInE le To Do mY BLOg.. ALl is woRK N StudY.. Not EvEn hAve TimE to rEst.. sOo My fREnz.. GOt MiSs mi mAh.. kEKe.. weLl.. ThiS fEW dAEs reALLi BuSy wiTH OnE tESt n TAt's BusinEss FundemEntAl.. ABt BUSInEss Wan Ya.. OnLi tWO chaPtER.. But don THink it's eASy.. Tat TeACher Of mInE dOn eVeN nOe hOW to teACh SIaz.. GOt TO leaRn oN my oWN AHz.. SO SiAnz.. StuDy fOr fiVe dAEs AHz.. FInALly it's ovEr.. hOPe Can gET a Gd grAdEs Ba.. cOs reaLLi Put in eFfoRt fOr THe teSt Ya.. ERm... ToDAe iS my Sch's co-Op sHOp aNniVerSary.. My sCh sELl ALot oF THinGs SIaz.. We EvEn hAb iCe-creAm todAe.. yuMmY.. hAa.. miXed WiTH DiFfErent KinDs oF fruiTs.. hAa.. quiTE niCE SIaz.. hEe.. Our cLaSs AmOsT aLl the ChinEsE giRL BrOuGHt it.. dEN WE wiLl lIke tasTinG heRE taStinG thERe.. haA.. So hAPpi..


wELl TodAe rEALli miRaCle sIaz.. Tat BF teACher Of minE lET uS gO oFf EarLy.. hAa.. THink cAN aSK HIm FOr 4 digiT numBer DEn bUt tOto.. LOlz.. dEn i waS lIke nEEd to rOt TwO houRs befOrE trAinInG.. weLl fAnNy, Mi, jAC, Huiyi, CT N ALp weNt to MOS BurgEr to Eat.. TheY VERi toOPiD lei.. TOOk My PiC WhiLe i WAs eATinG.. So pAI sei.. hAa.. dEn AwFuL osO.. dEn ToOk One piC wiTH fanNy.. haa.. aLp sAE wE reALli LOok like SistEr.. weLl.. We r refLectiOn lei.. Of cOs i trEAt fAnNy lIke my SisTer Ya.. hEe.. She's sO CuTE.. :P dEn ToDAe trAinInG Quite FUn De.. hEe.. trAin TiLl Abt 8 pluS Worz.. So tirEd.. maKe My dEAr waIt FOr 2 hRs.. sOrRy DeAr!!! HOPe he's Not AngRy Ya.. C my dEAr ToDAe QuitE hAPpy De.. CAn fEel tat he cAREz Ya.. dEn He waNtEd tO sENt Mi HOMe.. But sCaREd TAt quiTE lATe FOr Him.. SomEmOre he LiVe in tAMpinEs Ya.. i GOt NIhui to AcC Mi tOo but HoPe he's not bored todae.. cANt mEET Him tOmOlo FOr supPer N He SeEms AngRy.. hAIz.. don NOe WAd i cAN do.. HoPe ToMOlo wILl be A bEttEr Dae Ba..

-+SOnG-liFe's A StRuGgLe+-

This guy can really rap well. Might even be a risk to Jay Chou...

Its sad that he died already....

Mr Song is a Taiwanese born with an IQ of 180.... Due to the education
system of Taiwan and his health problems, his mum decided to send him to
America when he was 14. As he had spent 14 yrs in Taiwan, he had a hard time
adapting to life in America, thus he had to keep changing schools and
temporary housing.

Being innocent and naive, he was framed by his "buddies" and was sentenced
to 3-maths jail term for blackmail when he was 19. After experiencing so
much in life and seeing so many things in jail, he wrote this song called
"Life's a Struggle" which depicts what he had gone though. He realised that
he had bone cancer when he was 20. when his mum received a phone call from
him in 2001, he was already at the 3rd stage, and it was the doctor, who
couldnt bear to see him suffer alone, insisted that he called his mum on the
spot and told her about it. However, his condition worsened, he died in his
mum's arms at the age of 23.

He may not be any famous celebrity, but this is just a little something his
mum and his cousin could do for him, and that is to let his talent be

Hope you all will enjoy this rap.....

Oh and erhm its in chinese...


thiS is tAKen FrOm a e-mAIl.. A reaLli sAd LiFe caSe.. So lIVe EaCh dAe hAPpiLy n EnJOy to it's FuLlest ya.. cHeRiSh uR LiFe.....

**** i wAs Tot TaT i wAs huRt WhEn I DIdnT recEiVe HiS loVe.. InsteAd i FOuNf out my PaIn cAMe fROm WhEn i DIdnT giVe Him enOuGh LoVe...****

Thank god for Monday, April 26, 2004
-+MY fREnz+-

wOooO... MiSs My BLoGgy Ahz.. heE.. aBt ThrEE dAEs nbEr wRitE Le ba.. hEe.. FoRgEt WAd i Did For the Past ThreE daEs Le.. BuSy GOinG out WiTH My fRENz n SOmEonE SpeCiAL.. HEe.. WELL nbEr GO ChurCh ON SunDAe.. cOs i SIck le.. But NOw fEELinG BetTEr le.. ThANK My fRENs FOr aLl THe COncERn... ThaNKz ALot.. fEELinG bEtTer Le.. NOw wiLL Try to KeEp mySeLf OCcuPiED le.. WOnt hAve TImE to C Mi ONLinE le.. BUt hOPe u ALl wOnt ForGet Mi Ya.. weLL.. rEALli NOe WhO To reACh oUt fOr whEN u R reaLli DOwn.. a neW wORkinG plACe To Mi Is A nEw chALlEnGe PlUs MOre FrENz i wILl NOe.. CaRinG for SOmEonE iS NOt eASy.. But The perSon DON AppReCiATe it.. weLl MAyBe u cAn reALli c tRUe A PeRsOn whEN THe dAE pass By.. wELL gOd is ALwAYs BeSiDE Mi.. GiVinG My bEst TO Him.. LeaRnInG To forGiVe N forGet.. bEcOme a ChiLd Of GOd.. i GrOw in HIm.. ThaNK GOd FOr BEinG wiTH Mi.. ThaNKz bEe FOr prAyinG fOr Mi.. ThrOuGH ALl thOSe InCiDeNt.. i GrOw.. rEALli.. weLl.. Also thANK TO my BuddIes.. thANKz ALot.. u GAls R gREAt.. :P wELl wOnt fOrgEt U ALl ya.. reMemBer TheRE TiMe fOr Us to FeLLowsHip Ya.. MiSs THe GD Old dAEs WE hAb.. yAWn!~!~!~! TirEd le.. THInK i WrIte tILl HeRe.. nitEz bLOg~!~!

**** i ALwAYs tOt TAt i was huRt WhEN I DiDNt reCEiVE HiS LOve.. InsTeAd i FOuNd OuT mY pAIn CaME frOm WhEN I dIdnT giVe Him EnOuGh LoVe..****

Thank god for Friday, April 23, 2004
-|tIREd dAe|-

yAWn.. todAE NBer Go sCh wAn lei.. COs My lEg pAin.. dEn jAc N yEe CalL mi Tat TOdAe GOt TS TesT.. hAIz.. Den mUst GO SCh LOh.... SKIp BF lesSOn Den ReACh sCh At 9.30.. sO TirEd SIaz.. dEn THe Leg Was So PAIn AHz.. hAI...POOr mi.. dEN tOdae nber dO mY DeTeNtIOn OSO.. COs WAntEd TO GO hOMe rEst.. dEN meEt HIm To tAKe baCk smth.. Den SLp THe whOLe AfTenOOn TiLl 7 aHz.. COs vERi tirEd.. dEn NiHuI cALl Mi wantEd To mEEt Mi.. dEn GO Lot 1 eAt LoH.. ChaT At My BloCK hERe foR A WhiLe DEn GO HOMe le.. wHiLe toDAe QuiTe A ShOrt dAe.. NOThinG StrAnGE Or EXcitiNG ThIng hAPPen to Mi.. A BorInG Dae.. Oh yA.. huIyi is sIck, hOPe She is AlriGHt by NOw.. TaKe cAREz..

-=SuCKy niTEz=-

waD The FOoK!~!!!! My DAD COme bACk sCOLd mi.. iDIOt!!! vEri angRy Lei.. NbEr DO AnYtHinG wrOnG kANa ScOLd.. wAd He THINK hE is.. COme bACK lOse MOnEy or WAd DEn ScOLd Pp.. suCkz Lei.. NOt In A vEri Gd MOOd NoWadAes.. But Whu noEz.. thINkiNg TAt i wAs hAPpy.. wELl.. I'm NOt.. nOT vERi hAPPy wiTH aLOt of THing.. But nBer shOw It OUt.. AnyOnE sHOw ANy COncERn.. nOpe.. NOt At ALl.. hAte tHe fEELinG... But WAd CAN i Do.. if GiVEn Mi A ChANcE i wANteD to LOst aLl my MeMoRIEs n StARt ALl ovEr AGaIn.. wAnNa GiVe uP ALl.. fEEl VERi SiCK N tirEd.. DOn WaNna nOe ANYonE aNYmORe.. WAntEd To liVe In My OWN woRld.. A CauSal LiFe Tat's aLl.. jus tOo StRess In heRe.. If Cry CAn SOlVe AlOt Of ThinGz.. i wiLl crY TO my COntENt.. bUt it is Of NO hELp... aRgH!!!! DOn WaNna CaRe le.. i GiVe up.. i surrEndEr... it Jus SuCKz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fRENz =
A friend is someone who knows
the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten
the words.....

-=LovInG An ImPERFecT peRSon=-
>They have been married for two years. He loves literature and often
>his work on the net, but nobody ever reads them. He is also into
>photography and he handles their wedding photos. He loves her very
>Likewise with her.
>She has a quick temper and always bullies him. He is a gentleman and
>gives in to her. Today, she's being willful again.
>Her: "Why can't you be the photographer for my friend's wedding? She
>promised she'd pay."
>Him: "I don't have time that day."
>Her: "Humph!"
>Him: "Huh?"
>Her: "Don't have time? Write less of those novels, and you will have
>the time you need."
>Him: "I... someone will definitely recognize my work some day."
>Her: "Humph! I don't care, you'll have to do it for her!"
>Him: "No."
>Her: "Just this once?"
>Him: "No."
>Negotiation's broken. So, she gave the final warning: "Give me a Yes
>three days, or else..."
>First day, she "withheld" the kitchen, bathroom, computer,
>television, hi-fi... Except the double bed, to show her "benevolence".
>course, she has to sleep on it too. He didn't mind, as he still has
>cash in his pockets.
>Second day, she conducted a raid and removed everything from his
>and warned, "Seek any external help, and you bear the consequences."
>nervous now. That night, on the bed, he begs for mercy, hoping that
>end this state. She doesn't give a damn. No way am I giving in,
whatever he
>says. Until he agrees.
>Third day, night. On the bed. He's lying on the bed, looking to one
>She's lying on the bed, looking to the other side.
>Him: "We need to talk."
>Her: "Unless it's about the wedding, forget it."
>Him: "It's something very important."
>She remains silent.
>Him:"Let's get a divorce."
>She did not believe her ears.
>Him: "I got to know a girl."
>She's totally angry, and wanted to hit him. But she held it down,
>to let him finish. But her eyes already felt wet. He took a photo out
>his chest. Probably from his undershirt pocket, that's the only place
>didn't go through yesterday. How careless.
>Him: "She's a nice girl."
>Her tears fell.
>Him: "She has a good personality too."
>She's heartbroken because he puts a photo of some other girl close to
>Him: "She says that she'll support me fully in my pursue for
>after we got married."
>She's very jealous because she said the same thing in the past.
>Him: "She loves me truly."
>She wishes to sit up and scream at him "Don't I?"
>Him: "So, I think she won't force me to do something that I don't want
>She's thinking, but the rage won't subside.
>Him: "Want to take a look at the photo I took for her?"
>Her: "...!"
>He brings the photo before her eyes. She's in a total rage, hits his
>away and leaves a burning slap on his face. He sighs. She cries. He
>the photo back to his pocket. She pulls her hand back under the
>He turns off the light, and sleeps. She turns on the light, and sits
>He's asleep. She lost sleep. She regrets treating him the way she
>She cried again, and thought about a lot of things. She wants to wake
>up. She wants to have a intimate talk with him. She doesn't want to
>him anymore. She stares at his chest. She wants to see how the girl
>She slips the photo out. She wanted to cry and she wanted to laugh.
It's a
>nicely taken photo. A photo he took for her. She bends down, and
kissed him
>on his cheek. He smiled. He was just pretending to be asleep.
>"You learn to love, not by finding a perfect person, but by learning
to see
>an imperfect person perfectly."
> ,,//,, There are two kinds of love.
> <:) . . (:> Our love. God's love.
> .(" o "). But God makes both kinds of them.

tAT's A gD emAIl frOm My fRENz.. it's tRue To Love An impeRfecT peRsOn ya.. HOpe u ALl wiLl rEAd it..

****i aLwayS ToT tAt i WAs huRt whEN i DIdnT recEiVe hiS LOve... instEAd i FOuNd ouT my pAIn CAme fROm WheN i DiDNt GivE Him enOuGh LoVe...****

Thank god for Thursday, April 22, 2004
-( YiPPpPppYYyYy)-

wOoO.. lATe FOr SCh tOdAE SIaz.. LOlz.. dEn GO eAt breAkfASt firSt beFOre GOiNg To SCh.. hAa.. GuEss WhU i SaW.. CC oSO.. LOlz.. SHe wAs OsO laTe..hAa.. dEn We ChaT AT mACDOnALd BeFOre GOinG to sCh LOh.. bUt nbEr laTe FOr leSSOn lAh.. hAa.. eRM.. SCh toDae wAs aLrigHt FOr Mi.. slAckiNg ALl THe wAY.. bUt WAs vERi TirEd.. maYbe NOt eNOugH slP Ba.. heE.. dEN neArlY gOinG to dOzEd OFf At BS leSsOn.. hAa.. BUt luCKiLy My mInd wAs StROnG enOuGh To StOP THe ZHOu gOng fROm cOmINg.. LOlz.. eRM.. Was LiKe TALkinG To mY frEnz In CLAss COs HOr CanNOt SLp le lEI.. SO FEd Up.. hAa.. mAYbe GOinG to breAk wiTh my Bf Ba.. NO chEmiStRy ba.. wELl maybe it wAs ONLi a cruSH.. hAIz.. DOn NOe wAd i'm THinKinG osO... FiRSt THing in MinD is GOd, FOllOw By StudY dEn worK Ba.. hAAa..

-=FuN afterNOoN=-

WeLl TodAe AftER SCh WeNt to eat WitH fAnNy,yEe,Ct N aLp.. hAa.. FirSt tIme eat wiTh CT N aLp SIaz.. cHattEd ALot.. fROm Sch To Pp.. quiTE Fun Lah.. Like GosSipInG siaz.. DEn AFTeR tAT i wenT to minI tOOn to bUy soMe SweEt n ChocoLate.. thInk TOmOlo wiLl enjOy it wiTh My fREnz Ba.. heE... COs They R SuCH A GOoDy yA.. :P Oh AfTeR eAtinG witH theMi wENt bACk TO SCh gEt reADy For CCA (VoLleYbALl).. WAs LaTe Ahz.. COs reACh sCh Abt 4.35.. hEe.. But teACheR NbEr sCOld mi lah.. aLthOugh NOt MAny Pp Go.. But StiLL hab ALOt oF Fun wiTh meiFONg N VeRon thEy ALl.. trAinIng TIll 7 plus DEn Mi N NihUI wEnt biShAN to grAb SOme biTs.. hEe.. dEN tALk ALOt SIaz.. fROm the SCh to biShan.. THis girL reALli mAKe mi THINK sIaz.. THaNKz GirL.. thaNKz foR ALl the wOrDs.. wILl kEep it In MinD Ya.. *muacKz*


wELl sAw yEE's BLOg.. She TYPe Tat She fEELing lEft OUt.. HAIz.. wAD cAn i do.. i m OnLi A HumAN.. the BoTH oF Us weRe Like DriFtinG awAe fROm EaCh otHer.. a sCaRy FeeLinG fOr Mi.. DOn wAn lOse My fRENz.. i'm JUst A simPle peRsOn.. Y THings MUst Be COmpiCatED FoR mi.. trYinG my bEst NOt TO fEel LeFt OUt.. BUt As a FrENz i nber DId.. (sOb soB).. DId aNYonE Ask FOr my fEELinG? GetTing So TirEd In eVeRyThinG.. Jus wAnTed TO leAd A simPle LiFe TAt's ALl... HAIz.. bEiNg Pp's fREn i'm a FaIluRe , bEinG a gF oSo.. don reALli NOe wAd cAN i Do NOw.. MISs xIaoli ALot.. But sEeinG her haPpy LiFe wITh daryl i'm hAPpi.. cOs my WiSh is To C evErYonE hAPpi.. A SuDdEnLy TOt to THinK Of Her.. But meEting leSsEr le.. (sOb SOb).. But sEeInG her hAPpy wiTh Her LiFe.. i oSO hAPpy le.. COs SHe's My BeSt fRENz.. She NOe Mi InSIDe Out ya.. weLl.. i gOt loTs Of gD fREnz With Mi.. But i nbEr cherish it.. i jUs lEt ThEm go... Jus Like tAT.. wELl reALli ThaNkz To yEe N Nihui.. StAying by My Side As i nEEded TheM In sCh or At woRk.. DoESnt MeAn Tat My otHer fRen dOn cAre.. But they NOe Mi LonGer n NOe WAd a peRSOn i m.. hAiz.. dAryl u bEter TAKe carE of My Gd fRENz.. :p sEeinG my fRENz With Their belovEd i GiVe Them ALl My bLEeSing AHz.. Tat's God's wiLl FOr u to bE TogEtheR Ya.. WILL i lIke To Be frENz with theM ALl my LiFE le.. As wELl As TheIr Bf.. They r My Gd fREn TOo Ya.. taKe cAREz Of my GIrLs hor~!~! :p weLl MaYbE SingLe Is BeSt FOr mi.. COs god NeEds Mi Ya.. So sERVe My LoRd beforE AnyonE ya.. :p TOmOlo WiLl Be A bEtTEr dAe.. *hUGgiEs*

-+*rULz oF kiSsInG*+-

When you are kissing someone, make sure it is not
someone else's b/f or g/f!

You may NOT eat pizza anytime before you make out.

If a person is a bad kisser, you may NOT stop and
leave at anytime-it's rude.

A person with braces may not kiss another
person who has them.

When kissing, make sure your hands are where th! ey're allowed
(they can wander sometimes, and some people don't like that).

NEVER ask someone if they're a good kisser-
you will either get a wrong answer, or the truth will hurt you.

If! you were expecting more than kissing, don't complain-
you will get less the next time.

Kissing more than one 1 person in a day can result in you
not being allowed to kiss one of those people anymore.

Don't kiss someone for the first time while you are laying in their

haAA.... DOn Do WrONg THinG wOrz.. :P

**** i aLwAyS tOt TAt i wAs huRt WhEn i DiDnt recEiVe His LoVe.. inSteAd i FOund OUt My PaIn CAMe fROm WHen i DIdnT gIve Him enOuGh LoVe...****

Thank god for Wednesday, April 21, 2004
-=(TirEd mOrnInG)=-

YAwn~! So TirEd SIaz.. yEsTErdaE ChAT On PhOnE witH rAymOnD, ALp N FaNny.. TheY SO BAD diSturb Mi SIaz.. HmPh!!!! Haa.. dEN YesteRdae dEar WAntEd to meEt mi.. hAa.. musT C clearLy Wad I tYpe woRz.. MeEt Him 1am SIaz.. NOt Pm Lei.. He SuDdEnLy WanTed To MeEt Mi so tOt Of mEeTinG Him LOh.. cOs miSs Him LOts.. :P dEn he droVe mi to TOP Up The pEtrol FOr His Car Den cHaT undEr THe bloCk.. hEe.. quIte hAPpy ya.. : ) Slp at 2.30 So tIREd Tat wheN i reACh HOmE i dozed OFf.. hEe.. SO tirEd SIaz.. nearly LaTe FOr Sch.. BUt cAnt SLp In clAss lei.. DON NOE Y.. :P Oh.. YesTeRdae hAPpen SmtH TeRriBle SIaz.. tHe NicoLe hIgH WaY COllaspe.. 1 DEad,3 InjuRiEd,3 miSsiNG.. HAIz.. THe fAMily of THe dead muSt Be vEri SAd.. thiNk MuSt PrAy FOr THem Le.. HoPe The famILy meMber R alRigHt... hOpe God's guiDance wiLl be WItH tHem Ya.. sCH eNd eaRLy Todae laTer GOinG to thOmSOn wiTh tiFfAny, jAC n FaNny Ba.. hEe.. nbEr gO THeRe b4.. so Go TheRe walk wALK ba.. eRm.. ThinK wiLl WritE tiLL heRE.. cOnTinUe whEN i cOme bACK fROm wOrk.. *muaCkz*


wEll ToDae Went To ThOmSOn Plaza Den GO FOr WOrk.. wELl wAntEd TO mEet Kate.. But WHo Noes wE WeRe In THe saMe cAbIn.. LOlz.. dEn sAw yEe At breAktaLk.. hAa.. wELl She Jus FInIsh Her inTeRviEw..hAa.. She stARted Work TOmOlo.. woOOo.. tAt was fASt Ya.. heE..as uSuAL WALk The LOng PAtH TowARds SuntEc Ya.. wELl.. NOe SomEOne caLl wilfrEd.. haa.. he is AnthOnY's BroTher SIaz.. LOlz.. wELl tat wAs reaLli a COnCidEnce sIaz.. hAa... At FirSt i TOt He SAme aGe AS Mi But He wAs 20 Plus SIaz.. WeLl LOOk cAN Be dECiVing SiAz.. keke.. Ah.. TOdAe oSO Noe tiTUs N jeslyn (wonder dId i spEll it wrONg) ThEy ALl QuitE fRieNdLy SIaz.. WeLl reaLli a brAnCh of FuNny Pp.. hee.. ErM.. Find My kAki TOo.. BoTh tItus N wilfREd Live In CCk Ya.. But DOn Noe Where jEsRyLn liVe ya.. :p hOPe cAn woRK wiTH The oTher twO ya... weLl lIke THe JOb morE n Of cOs The EnvirOnmENt Ya.. ThANkz gOd.. *amEn*

****i alwAYs Tot Tat i wAs HuRt WhEN i diDnt recEivE HiS LoVe... InStEad i FOuNd Out mY PaiN caMe fROm WheN i DIdNt gIVe HIm enOugH LoVe...****

Thank god for Tuesday, April 20, 2004
-(a reLax dAe)-

hEe.. todAe WaKe up qUiTE eaRLy de.. BUt DOn NOe y reACh Sch On TImE.. hAa.. wELl todAe GOT BS teSt SIAz.. hAa.. BUt luCkilY i leARn It Le.. iF NOt SurE fAil De.. HeE.. ThaNkz gOd TAt The QNs wiLL eAsy.. hEe.. So MAnAgE TO Get A pass Or hIgHeR gRAdE Ya.. :P LOts of ThinG cAnt SAe it heRe.. wELl ThinK kEEp It In mY hEaRt Ya.. :P ToDAe Mr Sim reLEasEd us EaRLy.. hAa.. Our leSsOn SurE EnDEd At 3.15 But He lET Us OFf at 1.45.. hAa.. DEn mI, FaNny, jAC N bEAr gO MOS BuRgEr ROt.. haa.. TALk ABt aLOt of THinGz.. LOlz.. QuiTE FUn De.. neArly DOn wAN to gO to woRK.. hEe.. aBt 4.15 dEN We WeNt to WorK.. so My JOurnEy At SCh ENdeD hERe................


hEe.. reACh woRK eaRLy AgAin.. ABt tEN Mins.. HAa.. dEn sAw JOLenE n A paRt TimEr CALlEd Stanley.. hAa.. WELl.. tALk To JOleNe AlOt TOdAe.. a VERi FuNny laDy ya.. hEe.. ShE QuitE CuTE.. WeLl todAe GOt AlOt of PhOnE caLls siAz.. ALl TAlk AbT THe bRiDgE Or SMth.. WeLl i Was NOt SuRE.. hEArd TAt theRe WAs A exploSIon.. N FOur PP werE MiSSinG.. DOn Noe isit tRuE.. But HOpe The four perSOn wErE aLriGHt Ya.. gOd bless TheM Ya.. weLl toDAe Work wiTH ANgElA in THe Nite SHiFt.. hee.. todAe we WeRe fASt.. DId mUch BEtter ThAN THe firSt dAE At wOrk.. hEe.. wELl TOniGHt GOeS On fIne fOr Mi.......................

-=+ deAr+=-

eRM.. WheRe sHLd i StARt.. mOi dEAr mSg Mi TodAe.. HEe.. he WokE Up eaRLy AS usUal Ya.. dEn Was KinDa loSt aGaIn.. haA.. weLl he WAs reaLLi BuSy.. He mSg mi At One PlUs teLLinG Mi tAT ALl THe pP cAMe IN At OnE shOt.. MaKinG Him tirEd The WhOle AfteRnOon.. HOPe my deAr wonT oVErworK Ya.. mISs HIm reALLi ALOt.. He TodAe Go hOme quItE eaRLy Abt 8 PlUs DEn He msg Mi sAYiNg He reACh HOme le.. wELl.. he sAe wANtEd to WaiT FOr My caLl.. In THe ENd He fALL aSlEep Le.. hAa.. WeLl Must Be reALLi tirEd THe WhOle dAe Ya.. :P wELl reaLLi PuT EFfOrt In mAintAinG THe reLatIOnSHip.. eVeN thOuGHt we sElDOm mEEt NOr sELDOm tALk ON THe PhOne.. But fEelinG fOR HIm nbEr fadE yA.. hOPe He fEels THe SAMe tOo.. weLl If He hAs to GO.. i WiLL leT Go.. But TiLl NOw LoVe my deAriE waNtEd HIm TO fEel haPpY.. ya.. :P HOPe TOmOlo He wILl mEEt Mi Up... : ) *mUaCKx*

The Story of Bao and Noodle

Chapter One


One day, noodle quarrel with meat bao (bun).
They had a fight but
was too clumsy
and lost badly. He was very angry and he told
noodle to stay behind
if he
has the guts
and he'll get his pals to assist him. Meat
bao went to find bread,
tou, jian bao
etc to get them to reinforce him. Along the
way, they saw maggi
They ah bish ah
bish ah bish and beat maggi mee up and maggi
mee beri puzzled why
kena beaten up.
He said, "Why u all beat me? What have I
done to deserve this?"
meat bao said,
"Noodle! Dun think u perm your
hair then cannot
recognise u!"

Chapter Two


Maggi mee, who was beaten up for no reason,
was very angry. So he
to find bee
hoon, udon, fried noodles etc to seek
revenge. But on the way,
they met
small bao.
Maggi mee looked at small bao for a while
then told his brothers,
"Bra-der! Whack
him!" Maggi mee whack small bao harder &
harder. After the noodles
family has left,
they asked Maggi Mee why he hated small bao
so much and beat him up
badly. Maggi
mee said. "At first wanna teach him a small
lesson only, but then
him act cute,
made me so

Chapter Three


The more small bao thought of it, the more
buay song he was. So,
found the bao
family to whack Maggi mee. Then they found
ying shi juan (noodles
covered with bun).
They brought him back as hostage and were
about to put him on the
to force him
to talk when the bao head said, "That's
not noodles! That's our

Chapter Four

The family of bao and noodles are now enemies
and they have gang fights whenever they see each other.
One day, the noodles family was having a walk when they saw char siew bao alone.
Seeing the good chance, all of them attacked him.
The noodles family shouted, "Beat him hard hard! Don't give
chance just because he's
vomiting blood!"

Chapter Five

Poor char siew bao, with his injuries, went
to the bao headquarters
look for help.
All the bao family was activated and
together with red bean
bean bun etc.
they went to seek revenge. All the
passerbys siam them as they
like they will
kill. They saw french fries jalan jalan
along, shopping. The bao
attacked him.
The bao head shouted, "Noodle people still
wear gold go shopping!
Whack him!!!"

Chapter Six

Finally, the bao family manage to kidnap
noodle, the one who
started up
the whole
show, and brought him back to the bao
headquarter.All the baos
turns to whack
him. At the end, the chief of baos - dua bah
bao took a final roll
noodle before
they dump him. When the poor noodle finally
went home, none of the
member could
recognise him bcoz he is totally disfigured -
flatten. In order not
let the family
bear the bad name, he appears as
a new member named Mee

The End

**** i Always Tot Tat i wAs HuRt WhEN i dIdnt recEivE HiS Love... inStEad i FOuNd Out my pAin CAmE FrOm WhEN i diDnt gIvE HiM enOuGh LoVe...****

Thank god for Monday, April 19, 2004
-=InterEstinG dAe=-

wOoOO.. ToDAe vERi HOt SIa In THe MornInG.. SOmEMore i gOt S & W SIaz.. SO HOt.. LOlz.. BUt WAs AlRiGHt LAh.. quiTE FUn.. weLL heARd SmTH intEREstIng TODAE Ya.. bUt NOt GoNna shaRe WIth u ALl COs I PrOmiSe SOmEonE nOt TO Ya.. hEe.. weLl gLAd TO c yEe So ClOse WiTH Cyndi TAn SIaz.. hEe.. And Ah TAn wAS eaTinG wiTH Us TOdAe Ya.. hEe.. fEEL lIke ouR cLAsS wAs LIkE A faMLiy ya.. :P GEtTiNg CLOSe TO eACh otHeR.. hEe.. lOVed My ClASsmaTe... *mUACkz*


hAa.. toDAe WAs mY firSt dAe At wOrk.. QuitE FUn SIaz.. eVeRyThinG GO On weLl... The pP theRe weRe nice SIaz.. jOKe wiTh mi N wiLLinG to teACh Mi ALOt oF THiNgs SIaz.. HEe.. But mY lEg VeRi TirEd lei.. haa.. COs StANd FOr 4 Hrs SIaz.. oF cOs TirEd.. kEKe.. leArn tO plAy witH CashiEr toDAe.. LOlz.. eRm NOe SOmEone caLL AngElA.. sHe is YoungEr Den Mi.. But SHe teaCH Mi ALOt oF THinGs.. hEe.. tHaNkz giRL..


DOn NOe Wad hAPpEn tO deAr TOdAe.. OnLi mSg Mi A gD MOrnInG AnD He wAS LOSt.. tOt smTH hAPpEn To hIm SIaz... WAs WorRiEd THE whOLe afTeRnOOn LOh.. dEn AfTer wORK mSg Him.. cOs reaLli wOrRiEd le.. hE tOLd mi He kANa sCOldeD By his dad.. hE wanTed tO tAKe HaLf Dae OFf bUt HIs DAd DOn alLOw.. SO He wAs QuiTE moOdy THe WhOLe aFtErNOon.. WELl mAKinG Mi WOrRiEd TOo.. BUt He ApOLoGiSed le.. I aLso WAs At FAuLt COs i neglect Him.. mSg hIm OnLi At NItEz.. So ToDAe THe prOmiSe WAs brOkEn.. he promiSed TO FetCH Mi AftEr WOrk.. BUt In THe ENd he nber.. bUt i osO nBEr blaME Him.. COs He's IndEed BuSy.. at leASt hE NOe's TAt i CAre Ya.. COs aLthOugh i bEen thROuGh Onli A fEw relAtIOnShiP.. BUt reaLLi so SiCk Of GeTtInG a gUy N stARt aLl oVEr AgAIn.. JUs wAnNA be WItH my dEArie yA..If He wANtEd TO leavE i wiLl aLLow HIm TO gO Ya.. CoS U cant FoRcE A peRSOn Ya.. TomOlo hAVInG tESt le.. sO must gO SLp LE.. nitEz blOGgy.. *muACKz*...

****i aLwAyS ToT TAt i WaS huRt WhEN I dIdnT recEiVe His LOVe.. InsteAd I FOunD OUt TAt My Pain caMe FROm WHen I DiDnT giVe HIm EnOuGH loVe...****

Thank god for Sunday, April 18, 2004
-(SatuRdAe MORnInG)-

wOo... yEsTeRDAe WeNt TO WoRK AT tEN PlUs.. dEn taKe cab.. cOs FEEl LikE taKinG It.. NOw ReSlisE tAT i wAs WastinG mY MOnEy.. hAIz.. ToOPId Mi.. wELL IN THe cAb.. THe UnCLe wAs taLkinG tO Mi SIaz.. He wAs LeaRnInG "HAN YU Pin yInG".. HEe.. dEn I teaCh HIm dUrInG The jOuRnEy.. HEe.. The UnCLe Was gD... WhEN wE reACh dEn The UncLE gIVe Mi DiscOunT.. hEe.. So gD.. ThaNKz UnCLe..

-*aT wOrk*-

i reACh IntERCOn eaRLY SIaz.. dEN sAw petEr QuAy.. He LOOk Ok WHeN He enTEREd iNtErCOn.. dEn HaVinG luNCh WiTH pAt, ElVIs N StaNLey AT The CLuBhOUSe.. iT wAs WeNt TroUbLE CAme AftEr TAt.. WheN we GOinG in TO SigN In.. PEtER ScOLd elViS sIaz.. VERi LoUd N EvEn FiERcE.. sO ScaRy.. sO Mi N pAt faStEr GET OuT Of THeRe.. hAa.. wEnt He wAS hAVIng PMs i tHInk.. keke.. wELl The dAE At wORk wAs FUn.. N wAS TirEd SIAz.. BUt reALLi ENJOy It AfTer sO LOnG nOt WOrKInG.. hAa.. reALLi OLd lE i THinK.. HAa.. dEn aFtER WORk NIHuI caMe N FOunD Us.. dEN wE wENt HOmE togETHer... wELL whEn WE ReACh YEW tEE.. wAs GOinG to 7-11 To BUy A dRinK N Sit DOwN Chat.. sAw YOnGSInG WiTH WEiQin' bRO.. hAa.. QuiTE SuprISed SIAz.. LOlz.. dEN ChaT WIth theM TiLL onE.. HAa. OUr tOPiC wAs TALkinG abT ***(pAI SEi tO SAy).... hAa.. reALLi LIke leArNInG a leSsOn AHz.. keEP ASKinG N ChaTtinG.. hAa..weLL kNOwInG MOre OSO.. hAa..


ALthOuGH yEstERdAe SLP LaTE.. BUt tOdAE DId Wake UP eaRLy SIAz.. ThaNK GoD SIAz.. WEnt To ChurCH TOdAe.. HAB learn SMtH tOdAe.. Abt GOd's SAyIng NOt enOuGH... it's bEeN LOnG SInCe i gO tO the seRvIcE yA.. reALli GOt THe prEseNcE Of gOd THeRe.. todAE paStOR LIm serMon WAs dAmn Gd Tat SOmEOne Did gOT saVeD toDAe..... prAiSe lOrd!!!! dEN toDae aftER ChuRCH wEnt HOmE... cOS my COuSIn wAS COmInG yA..


yEsTeRdae MSg My DeARie.. WEll He SLp le.. dEN toDAe He msg Mi bEFOre wORk.. hAa.. At leASt He nbEr FOrGEt Mi Ya.. MiSs HIm ALOts.. so hAPpi.. But cAnNOt hAPPy FOr tOo SOON.. DeaR SAe He TAkinG ofF fROm MOnDae TO wEd So tAt He cAN sENt Mi HOme.. But DOn NOe He wiLl ANOt.. cOs laTer LiKe laSt TImE pUt Mi AeROplAnE siAz.. hAa.. So MUst C Le Loh.. TOmOlo GONna wOrk FOr THe firSt DAe At THe BoOkshOP.. hOPe EvERyThiNG gO ON WeLl Ya.. :P

-+|PlATEAuS Of THe CHRiStiAn JOuRnEy|+-

=(LeVel OnE)=

No besETTinG Sin
A dEgREe oF fAiTHFuLnEss
FrOnt Of THe spiRit BeGiNnInG

=(levEl TWo)=

A fAiRLy cOnSecrAted LiFe
ObEdiENt In THe HeArt
A ReaL rElaTIonSHiP WiTH GOd
WiSDOm aNd mAtuRiTy
UsEd By HIm
An UnSElFiSH Life
the fRuiT Of THe spirIt

=(LeVel ThrEe)=

deEp InITimAcy WiTH HIm
DEeP COnsEcrAtIon
lOst In A love wiTH GOd
UttERLy selF lEss LiFe
COnTriitEIn SPiRit
WaLkIng In THe PrESEnCe OF gOd.......

SOme VERSe I leArnt tOdAE..
JOb1:6-22 , JOb 38:2-6

HaVe I DId Tat? wELl musT COnTinUe TO prAiSe HIm In tERmS Of hAPpinEss N sAdnEss.. PrAiSe him COs He is The One we LOVed.. THanKz lOrD!! *aMEn*

**** i aLWays FOuNd tAt i wAs hURt WhEN I DIdnT reCeivE His LOVe.. inStead, i FOuNd out MY Pain cAMe fROm wHen i DIdnt GiVe HIm EnOuGh LOve ****

Thank god for Friday, April 16, 2004
-_-" bAd MOrnInG

weLl TodAe my StOmAch StiLl pAin SIa.. DEn TEmPer oSO nOt So Gd.. hAIz.. TodAe AttEnd buLLdOg LeSsOn sO BOrinG sIaz.. But WE did ListEn tO wAD hE's tRyinG to teACh Ya.. DEn TAt Yee n jAc wAS trYinG tO dIsTuRb Mi SIaz.. waNna sLp Lei.. But THIs tWO GirLs disTuRb Mi.. dEn No MOOd To SLp.. hAB TO EntERtAIn TheM.. HEe.. TodAE aLmOst DOn wAN TO Go SCh WAN Lei.. COs STomACh PaIn.. dEn BcOs jac ASk Mi tO c hER prOjECt dEN I COme Lei.. LikE vERi Fun LEi.. THey DId gAMe LIke mOnoLopOlY.. hAa.. nOt bAd LAh.. dEn ThEy wAS Like cAnNOt FInISh On TiME.. HAa.. jac Was SO AngrY tAt The "PerSon" (TRy nOt TO mENTIOn hER nAMe) nBer hELp In THe PrOjEct SOmEMOre DId MOre BaDLy tO THe prOJEct.. dEn SHe hAB TO redO tiLL One In THe MoRNInG sIAz.. hAa.. POoR jAc...


TodAe reALLi vERi bad tEmPeR SIa.. i was AnGRy wiTH My dEAr cOs hE AgREEd TO mEEt Mi In THe ENd nBer.. he OnLi tOOk Smth fROm Mi dEn He LEFt Le.. So dAmn SAd N AnGrY SIaz.. but nOt His fAuLt lAh.. i wAs haVing PMS sO vERi MOody.. dEn He mSg mi To sAe NOt mEETinG le.. MOre aNgRy.. aftER meETinG hIm, He cALl N mSg mi.. i dOn EvEN cArE.. in THe ENd tOld HIm i nbEr lOOk At My PhOne.. hE wAntEd TO CheCk i WAs AlRigHt.. bUt i GiVe HIm AtTiTuDe.. dEn ToDAe GO ChUrCh.. hE cAll mi duRInG HOF.. I acCiDEnTLy PrEss ANs.. DEn rejeCt aGaIn.. He sAe He heARd A gUy tALkinG.. DEN He SeEms AnGRy.. hAa.. ThiS sILly bOy.. i TOlD Him i GoinG ChuRch ToDAe dEn he stiLl cAll.. BuT In THe ENd i ExPlAin To HIm Le.. dEn hE Stop cALlinG Mi.. tOld Him TAt i wiLl cALl HIm WhEn i reAch HOmE.. HAiz.. This sHA GuA reALli TrEAt Mi NOt Bad Le.. tRY tO mAKe Mi hAPpy WhEN i'm AngRy.. But My aTtiTuDe Jus SuCKz.. Must ChaNgE Le.. yEAhZ!! nOw WAiTInG FOr HIm TO FInISh HiS jOb dEn cALl mi..... *waiTinG*.... :P


weLl todAe CAnT mEEt dEar sO cALl BEehUi tO mEEt heR eArLy To buY jIaHui's prEseNt at CCk.. DEn wEnt TO EAt KFC n sit DOwN Chit ChAt.. aBt FivE plUs dEn We LEaVe.. dEn We weNt tO YiShUn TO eAt DeSsErt (OnLi bEe Is eaTinG).. hEe.. dEn mEEt caRinE N Jie rEN.. WeNt FOr A wALk aT YishUn... wOoO... GuESs Whu i saW.. I sAw LeEHuA.. She wAs wOrKinG in OP... hAa.. SO hAPpy To C hEr.. sHe is DOinG weLl N tAKinG Her cOs nExt yeAR... MISs her ALot SIaz.. hEe.. dEn caRine bRougHt a sMALl COin pOuCh... Mi N Bee bRougHt sOme sWeEts.. dEn We HEAdeD tO tAke ShuTtle Bus To ChUrCh.. TodAe ThE sErViCe wAs So GD.. touCHed My HEARt.. tAlk ABt The GrAcE Of GOd.. manAgEd To tAKe SOme ChaPtErs DOwN.. todAE is reALli a gReAt SerMOn TAt i nbEr miSs..

-+mATthEw 6:24+-

NO OnE CAn sErvE tWo mastERs. EiThER He WiLl HaTe The OnE AnD LoVe The OtHer, Or he WiLl bE DeVoTeD tO The OnE And DeSPiSe The oTher. U CAnNot sERvE bOtH gOd N MOnEy...


wAd shALl We sAe, ThEN? shALl We GO On SiNnInG So tHat grAce MAy incrEase? By No mEANs! We DiEd To SIn; How CAn we LivE In It ANy LonGer?

laSt But NOt LeASt 1 sAmuEl 12: 15-25..

iT Is reALli meAnInGfUl TO my Life Nowadaes... GOt TO honOur GOd.. It's NOt OnLi WhEN We R dEpreSSed Or StREss.. But aLsO HAPpy N suCcEss.. GOt TO HonOuR HIm In evERywAy.. ThaNk gOd , tAT he OncE AgAin GiVe Mi The sAlVaTiOn.. rEaLli nEEd TaT..*AmEn*

**** i aLwAys ToT tAt i wAs huRt wHen I DIdn't recEiVe hIs LOve. InStEAd, i FOuNd Out My pAIn CAMe fROm WhEn i DIdnT givE HIm eNOuGh LoVe ****

Thank god for Thursday, April 15, 2004
-*HoTTy dAe*-

hAIz.. wad A SuAy dAE.. StOmAchachE In THe FirSt MoRnINg.. SOmEmORe In THe trAin NO One OffERs To GiVe UP SeAts TO Mi.. HEe.. SO tirEd SIAz..dEn todAe's weAtHer Is reALli hOT SiAz.. CaNNOt TaHaN AHz.. EvEN GOt Air COn OsO vERi HOt.. weLl TodAE reaCh Sch quitE EaRLy.. i TOt I'M tHe eARliEst WAn.. WaH.. rEAch sCH alrEady sAw Most Of mY CLaSsmaTe le.. Den WhEn JAc reaCh SCH, hER eyEs WiLl LIKE vERi SwoLleN SIaz.. DON NOe wAd hAPPen Her MOod SeEm NOt TO Be sO GOod.. SO i DON WAnnA Ask Her yET.. dEn GO FOr Bd leSsOn, She sIt cLosE to Mi DEn Was lIke tELLinG Mi "yIng yEstERdAE.. i VOLunTeEr To BrEAk wiTH My Bf..." dEn SHe burSt AgAIn.. i wAS Like shOCK.. DOn NOe wAd to Sae.. COs THis GiRL LovEd Her BF AlOt.. shOcK to NOe.. WeLL.. SHe TOLd Mi TAt her Bf wANtEd tO retURn To mALaYSia.. She WaS LIke SO SAd.. BUt In THe eNd her BF nbEr DID.. COs He oSO CAnt GiVe her UP.. Wah!~!~!~! SO TOuCHinG SIaz..


Den WEnt TO hAb bReAkfAst wiTH THem AFTeR Bc lesSOn.. sAW Nihui.. HAa.. She wAS weArinG a nErdy Spec.. LOlz.. vERi InNOceNt WOrx.. HehE..dEn ASK hEr Abt HIm.. wELl THEy wiLL ARiGHt SIaz.. fElT so GrEAt.. dEN We wENt To acCounT leSsOn... teACher TELl us Abt OuR maRKz.. Was SO EXCitEd SIaz.. GEt 40/50.. hAa.. So hAPPi.. WELl yEe They ALL oSO Did wELl.. EsP yEe.. SHe TOt SHe Was gOinG to FAil Siaz.. She wAs SO ScaREd THat heR hANd gROW coLD SIaz.. keke.. She oSO gEt More thAN 30 MaRks.. ReALli ThaNkz TO gOd.. COs DId prAy TO Him.. N My prAyErs WiLL ANSwEr.. *aMEn* wAh.. BF tEst iS COminG SOOn Siaz.. THink this subjet reALLi hAb To StudY On mY OWN.. Don rEALLi NOe wAd THe BuLldOg is teAChiNg SIaz.. dEn he OnLi noe hOw To PlAy WiTh his laPtOP SIaz.. OmG~!~! thiS SubJeCt cAnNOt FaIl Ahz.. if NOt nExt yR muSt study AgAin.. i dOn WAn AHz.. TAKinG MOre SubJeCt meANs mOre PreSsure SIaz.. haa..

-% DeaRie%-

weLl.. mY dEaR eVeryDae WAs busY.. sO CAnt msg HIm mUch.. But He wiLL nOt FOrgET tO ASk Mi TO EnJOy my SElf IN sCH.. wELl.. His JOb Is SO irrEguLAr.. Cant mEEt Him At NitE.. maYbe afTeR TEn..BUt WhEN i staRtEd To wOrk.. i wiLl mEet Him lesSer Ba.. COs wE oursELf hAve Own joB... BUt WItHouT fAIl He WIll CaLl mi WheN He reACh HOMe.. NOw dEn I NOe.. My DeARIe gOt SuCH a Nice vOicE sIaz.. maYbE nExt tImE caN aSK HIm tO gO KTv.. BUt wiLL he hAVe THe TImE? hEe.. wELl LOVe My DEARie.. *muACkz*


hAiz.. nbEr COntaCt sEOwLi Le.. DOn NOe HOw is SHe le.. hOpE SHe is DOinG fIne Ya.. N of COs hOpe SHe is bACK witH daryl.. COs tHEy LoVe EacH oTher Ya.. HAiz dEn Tat ToOPid giRL.. GOt JOb LiaO StILl aSk Mi To rECoMmeNd her JOb.. Shit lei SHe~! But HOpe My JOb GOEs on SmOoThLy.. weLl tOdAe yEe sEnt Her ApPlicAtIon AgAin.. But they OnLi wanTed thOse ABovE 18.. hOPe She CAn mAKe it Ya.. nOt inteNd To GO bACk TO interCOn le.. cOs nEed To leARn mOre THinGs Ba.. sOmeMOre be MOre indEpeNdEnt Ba.. wELl Mi N ALp wiLl bacK to OUr sAme OlD daEs.. LOlz.. whERe He WiLL teAsE Mi BlaH bLah BLAH.. hAa.. wELL bEGin TO LiKE MY claSsmaTe MOre yA.. TheY lOOk Like SOMe kInd Of smaLl kIds.. keke..HOPe We next yR STiLl in sAMe class Ya. :P

-@ y We nEeD A SpOuSe @-

A man wants to have a WIFE because she can make his life:


But a woman will have to be careful in finding a HUSBAND because he
might be:


Why does a man want to have a WIFE? Because she can provide:


FREE of CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does a woman wanna have a HUSBAND? Because he is expected to


****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDnT receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdnt gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Wednesday, April 14, 2004
-@lOvEly DAe@-

hEe.. WeLl toDaE reALli NicE dAe ya.. AlMOSt laTe FOr SCh TOdAe.. HAa.. But SO LuCkiLy i gEt On The BUs.. LOlz.. lazy tO wALk SIaz.. Den jAc WAs Like AskinG.. "Y So lAtE TodAE?".. dEn i sAe " Oh.. it's The Mrt FauLt.." LOlz.. dEn We GiGglE.. LOlz.. TodAe TeaCher havEn returN us OuR AcCOunT pAPeR.. SO kAN JiOnG.. hEe.. weLl ToDae In SCh We wErE LikE GoSsiPinG abt heR SIaz.. LOlz.. eVen beaR OSO FInD her AbiT irRitAtinG SIaz.. LOlz.. TodAe Is A ShOrT dAe in SCh!@!~


haa.. weLl TOdae weNt FOr IntERVieW Le... I wAs AcCeptEd~!~!~! yeAHz.. So hAPpi SIaz.. wELl The MaNaGer aSK Mi Qns WhiCH i DOn eVeN nOe wAD to AnS.. but StiLL kANa RecruiTed.. lOlz.. ThANK gOd!! *AmEn* stARt tRAinINg nEXt wEek.. HoPe EveryThinG weNt oN smOoThLy.. i wIll fOCuS mOre On My hOmeWoRK N Of COs On GOd!~~! HOPe To be In GOd's PrESenCe AgAin Ya.. weLl OsO ThaNKz tO "BeAr BeAr" he AcComPaNy To ThE intERview n WaiteD FOr Mi FOr haLf An hR.. SO sOrRy "BeAr".. but THaNKz..dEN He BrInG Mi aRounD SunTec SIaz.. WE wAntEd To fInd DOME but eNd UP The PlaCe WeRe rEvOnatinG.. Shit SIaz.. waSte Our tImE FinDinG..

-+@On ThE wAy baCk@+-

hAa.. "bEar" N Mi wANtEd TO tAKe Bus bACK to bisHan COs hE wiLl bE waItinG FOr FAnNy TO Go SOng Ka.. sAd tO hEaRd TAt fAnNY's mANagEr pASs awae.. dEn "bEaR" n Mi WiLl On The Bus Chit ChatTing aLl The wAy.. i fEel SO SleePy SIaz.. WaNtEd TO sLp.. But He Chat nOn-stOP.. WeLL whEN he taLk ABt SinGinG.. i wAs fEeLing EnERgEtiC.. hAa.. ChaTTed Abt Whu cAN SInG n whu caNt.. hAiz.. SomeOnE sPoiLt My favOuRitE SOng SIaz.. dOn NOe The SOnG DOn SinG Mah.. SPoiLt thE whoLe sOnG.. hAa.. Oh GoSh!!! i'm bAd MouTHinG Pp SIaz.. :X hAiYO.. CAn't DO TAt Ahz.. cOs Must LovE ur EnEMiEs mAh riTE.. :P


weLl tOdaE deAr WaS vERi Busy TOdAe.. COs He nbEr msg Mi Tat MuCH.. So i trY Not To diStuRb hIm Ya.. But He's A Gd deAr AftERall.. hE WiLl ASk Mi How's My Dae in SCh.. hOpe evErYthinG wAs FIne FOr Mi.. ThaNkz dEAr.. knOwInG him mANy gd thInGs hAve hAPpen TO Mi.. i GOt sucH A niCe DeArie.. So wad MorE cAn i ExpEct Ya.. cherISh The OnE besIde u Ya..

-+BirThdAe N BuDdiEs+-

hEy hEy.. TOdAe is fUrOnG's BirthDAe.. Tat idiOt tamAto.. i wiSH Him hAPpy biRthdAe Siaz.. nbEr Even sAe tHaNK You So rude sIaz.. GoNna smaCK Him whEN i saw him.. oh... TodAe is Cydin TAn N AlP OnE MOnTh AnNivErsarY.. hAAa.. HOPe This LoveLy couplE StAy togethEr AlwAys Ya.. N hOr.. ALp DOn BuLLy CT HOr.. orelse u dIe Ahz.. LOlz.. tREat her Nice Ya.. LOlz.. Oh.. yEstErdae Was wEimInG N VivIan's One MonTh.. WELl viVian reALli trEat wEiMIng weLl HoPe he wiLl CheRiSH Ya.. :P Oh ya.. ToDAe is aLso LiANg QuAn GOinG tO jiO jinG xiAN SIaz.. DOn NOe caN ANOt.. But WiLL SuPpoRt HiM ALl The Way Ya.. Jia YOu LiaNg QuAn.. LOlz.. mY wiSh is To hOPe TAt everyonE wiSH tO COme tRue yA.. :p

@~LoVe ur enEmiEs~@

U havE hEaRd Tat it WAs sAid, 'loVe Ur NeiGHbOuR And hate ur enEmies But i TeLl u: lOVe ur EnEmies N prAy For ThoSe who pErSeCuTe u, Tat u mAy Be Sons Of ur fAthEr In HeAvEn, He cAuSes hIs Sun TO rise On ThE eviL And The gD , AnD sEnt rAin On The RiGhteOuS And The uNRiGHtEOuS. IF u LoVe ThoSe wHO LoVe u, Wad reward wILl U Get? Are Not EvEn ThE tax COlLEcToRs DoinG tAT? And iF U grEEt OnLy uR brOthers, wat ArE U DoinG MorE thAn OtherS? DO Not EvEn pAgAns Do taT? Be pErFeCt, TheReFORe, aS Your hEavENLy FaTheR is peRfEcT..... -=MaTthEw 5:43-48=-

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDnT receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdnt gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Tuesday, April 13, 2004
-=HAPpY Dae=-
........mUm forGet To wAkE Mi uP Siaz LukIlY i wAKe uP MySElf. if NOt i SurE LAte..dEn mEet yEe At bisHan COntROl cOs wE reaCh ScH eArLy.. dEn We Buy mac n eAt On The Way TO sCh.. haA.. wAS WOnDerinG y jac waS SO lAtE TOdAe.. COs nbEr sAW Her At The ASsemBLy MAHz.. dEN SHe tOld Mi "tHe buS waS laTe aGain" LOlz.. dEN Mi N yEe Jus luFf.. keke..

DurInG AcCOunT LeSSOn Mr tEO teLL Mi i wONt gEt ZeRO fOr THe paPer COs he's GivInG mi ONe MorE ChAnCe.. He ASK Mi nExt TimE dOn lEt Pp CoPy MY Paper Le.. He Sae i DId weLl fOr The PapEr bUt Jus get zeRo FOr NOtHInG is NOt wOrTH It.. Think I wILl rEMemBer de.. thAnKz MR tEO~! hEe.. But fEEl SOrRy FOr ALP COs i make Him gEt zErO Le.. hAIz.. sOrRy ALP.. SInce dEn he is sCAreD TO tALk TO Mi Le.. DOn NOe Y oSO.. But WE R StiLl fRENz Ya.. :P

eRm.... TodAe Mr SIm ReleasE us EarLy sO i N yeE fasTEr RuSH DOwN TO PHs to waTCh THe Our JuniOR PlayEd AgAinSt NanyANg... It wAs exciTinG matCh SIaz.. 2-1 hAIz.. wAstEd For THe laSt matCh ThEy WiLl leAdinG lei.. But loSt it.. WeLl They DId thEiR bEst le.. GirLs It's ARigHt Ya... NeXt yR stiLl hAvE The ChAnCE ya... Oh@~!~~! toDae's it's hUiLi BirthDAe.. hAPPy birthDAe HuiLi~! stAY prEtTy N cUte Ya.. :P

The GirLs WiLl GOinG hOmE bY sCh bUs.. dEn NIhuI N I GO HOmE togEthER.. wELl THis giRL sEeM to Be sAd ToDAe.. She CrY tiLl her eYes WilL swOllEn This MorninG.. hAIz.. She Is reALLi sAd.. DOn NOe wAd cAn sOlVe hEr heARts ya.. hOPe She wiLL tELl Mi her SorrOws Ya.. COS we R gd fRENz Ya.. DOn foRgEt AnyTHing MuSt tELl Mi WoRz.. muSt Sae Out To let ur heARt fEeL Better ya.. kEep it tO ursELf wiLL OnLI mAKe u huRt ya.. GiRL must ChOSe propeRLy Ya.. eveRyonE wiLl Be There FOr U N leNt u a hElpInG EaR Ya..

Oh.. foRgEt tO ThaNK gOd~! yEstERDAe dId My PrAyER... gOd diD AnSwer MY prayER.. THankz lOrD! I Got THe InteRvIew FOr THe LiFe bOOkshOP N nBer gEt zeRo FOr MY ExAm.. ThANKz LorD.. mUst keEP DOing My PrAyER SIaz.. cOs gOd reALLy ANSwEr!!! *AmEn*


And whEN YOu PrAy, Do NOt Be LikE The Hypocrites FOr They Love To prAy sTaNdinG In ThE Synagogues And On The strEet COrnErS TO BE SeEm by mEn... i tELl YOu THe TrUTh, THEy hAvE rEcEivEd ThEiR ReWard In FuLL.. BuT WheN u PrAy GO IntO ur rOOm, CLosE ThE DOOr And PRay To YouR FaThEr, WhO iS UnseEn.. ThEN Ur fAtHeR, WhO seEs WhAt Is DONe In SeCrEt, wiLL rEwArD YOu.. AnD WhEN u prAy, Do nOt kEeP BaBblinG LikE pAgAnS, fOr TheY THiNK thEY WiLL bE heArd bEcAuse Of TheiR MaNy worDs... DO nOt Be LiKe theM, For UR fAthEr KnOWs WhAt yOu nEed BEforE U aSK HIm... -=MaTthEw 6:5-8=- *AmEn*

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDnT receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdnt gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Monday, April 12, 2004
-=Sad daE=-
WeLL todAe reALli bAd dAe FOr Mi.. wAKe uP So eaRLy WAntEd To mEEt joe they ALl To StuDy The teSt.. yEt.. in THe eNd ALl GOnE to wastE.. cOs TeaCher caUGht Mi CheAtinG.. COs I pASs MInE paPeR TO aLP.. WeLL.. i tHInk i wAs TooPId TO dO TAt.. But maybE wAntEd tO heLP HIm Ba.. NoW.. GOiNG To gEt zERO FOr THe papEr.. TaT wAs It.. ALl rePuTatIon SPolIt.. ALl GOnE TO wAsTe.. BUt NbER blAMe HIm.. MaKE HIm ScOREd ZerO ToO.. So SOrRy.. hAIz..

-=HaPpY DaE=-
WeLL hAb A DeAR To LOve Mi As mUch As i lOVe HIm.. wAd caN i expEct MORe.. trEAt Mi So gOOd.. GiVE MI aLl hE hAb.. wAd MOre cAn i aSK.. AlThOugH He Is NOt daSHInG But He gIVe MI A sEnsE Of SeCuRitY.. ya.. gIvInG MI hIs LOVe N CaREz.. Is wAd i reALLi nEEd NOw.. wELL raMLi DId mSg Mi tODae.. But we CAN OnLI Be fRENz ba.. COs CAn OnlI RuBbISh WiTh HIm Like tat bA.. wELL rEALLi LOts Of ThInGs hAPpEn TODAe.. But hAb TO COnTinUe TO hAb THis prESsuRE ba..

-=gd freNz=-
yEe wRotE Mi A leTtEr TOdAe.. wELl GONna shARe With ALl MY fRENz..

hEy YinG sq,

My DeAr GiRL ! DOnt Be TOo uPsEt ! ChEEr Up OkAY :P i'M prETty mUCH nOT SurE Of whaT hAPpEn la... But I GuEsS i DOn't ASk FirSt tiLL u feEl MuCH BetTer thEN U tELl Mi peRSOnALLy. ALl eARs TO hEAr U SpeAk! CheEr UP K?

WoRK hArd In YOuR SA TO aChieVe bEtTEr ReSuLT LA! YOu SurE AbLe tO DO it! DOn't WorRy!

SmILE AWaez (in ChinEse)


wELl ThANKz YEe.. reALLi gLaDFuL to hAv A fREn SO caRinG As u.. So ThROuGHFuL As U.. So FUn-lOVInG as U.. ThaNKZ fOr bEinG By my Side.. u reALLi NOe Mi InSide OUt~! ThaNKz! nOtHinG cAN eXprEss My gRaDiTuDe TO U.. u reALLi leNd a hELpinG hANd n EAr TO Mi... thOu We hAv QuaRrEls But wE nbEr MiSsed OUt THe Fun Ya.. LOokinG At THe leTtEr u giVe mi.. Is A senSe Of EnCOurAgEmENt TO mi.. fEEL LiKe cRyinG now.. THanKz giRL... NOw reALLi sAd TaT u r LeAVinG mi TO AnOTHeR CLass But HOPe OuR fRENShiP staY LOnG FOrevER yA!~ -=YOu yI WAn SuI=-

-=trEASuRe uR scH DaEs=-

Everyday when you return from your school, whether or not it is from a secondary school, a junior collage, a polytechnic, or ITE, you would probably think that school sucks.

All that work and torture under your lecturer's or teacher's homework or assignments, or tutorials...

But think about this, I mean really think. All the time spent with your classmates, all the laughter, sorrows, and happiness of knowing that your friends are there in your class?K

Now imagine them gone, perhaps part of them or even all of them. You may not realise it, but when advancing into the next level of education, it is inevitable that some friends will be parting with you.

What is all this you ask yourself, what I ask is of you to think, for those who received this mail, what do those people who were once or were still your classmates and friends meant to you?

Anyone who has at least finished their O levels and has graduated from respective schools would know the feeling of parting with your classmates and friends.

Not knowing when you will still see them again. Perhaps the next day, the next week, month, years, or even decade. Perhaps one day, you would realise how bittersweet those memories were, the fun you had with your classmates and friends.

That is why ever so often when you ask someone which is the most fond memories they had in their years in education, they would often have that sadness in their eyes, but yet, they smile briefly.

It's the memories of their school friends. Those unforgettable years of laughter and happiness in school.

Each classmate had suffered under the same stresses in school. The teachers, whether they are kind or extremely strict.

So treasure your schooling days, don't complain, because you never know when you will miss them dearly. And perhaps, shed a tear for those treasured times in your youth.

Let those whom are weak and tormented in the spirit find strength in this letter, knowing that someone still remembers them, and cares for them. No matter the circumstances?K

wELl reALLi TrEaSuRE My sCH daEs WiTH mY BuDdiEs.. u ALl r gReat maNz.. ThANKz!~

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Sunday, April 11, 2004
hEY heY~! A BorInG dAe fOr Mi..slP At FOur YEsTeRdAe.. yAWn~! So TirEd SIaz.. stuDy N StuDy.. HAIz.. DOn reALLi NOe SIAz.. bUt OnLI nOe SOMe.. tOdAe stay At HoMe DO HOusEwORK N irONnIng THe clOtHes... WaItInG fOr MY paREnts TO COmE hOmE.. hOPe LatEr CAn STuDy MORe bEfOrE I GO TO BEd.. hAa.. watChiNG tv nOw.. SO sAD FOr THe NKF SIaz.. fEeL THe URGe To cRy.. SO sAd FOr thEM.. WE wiLl reALLi luCkY tO KeEP OuRsElF heAthLy.. WeLl jus HOpE ALl MY fRENz ,fAMiLY MeMEBers N My lOvEd OnE TO BE hEaLthY.. cOs It's rEALLi sAd.. weLl ToDae's BlOg Is QuiTE shOrt COs nOTHiNG tO dO toDAe Ya.. Jus hOPe gOD WiLl blEss Mi In TOmOLo's TeSt.. N GOOd LuCk TO ALl my fREnz TOo.. aLl THE bEst.. :P

-=@@ThE TruTh aBt HuGz@@=-

There's no such thing as
a bad hug, only good ones
and great ones

HuGz r NOn FaTtEninG and
they don't cause cancer or cavities..

HuGz R all natural
with no preservatives, artificial
ingredients or pesticide residue...

HuGz R Cholesterol-free,
naturally sweet, 100% wholesome
and they are a completely
renewable resource...

HuGz R Easy to care for, they don't require batteries,
tune-ups, or x-rays...

HuGz R Nontaxable,
fully returnable and energy efficient...

HuGz R Safe in
all kinds of weather...

In fAcT HuGz R especially good for
cold and rainy days

AnD Hugz R Exceptionally
effective in treating problems
like bad dreams or Monday blues...

Never wait until tomorrow to hug
someone you could hug today,
because when you give one,
you get one right back
your way!

So giVe Ur LovEd OnE A HuG NoW!~ : )

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Saturday, April 10, 2004
hEe.. bACk TO BLoG AGaIn... todAe WoKe Up BY TWO iRritATinG cALl :P hAa.. fROm YOng SInG n NIHUi.. TheY cALl Mi ABt tEN PlUs.. wAh.. i wAs dAmN TirEd SIAz.. cOs We AgREEd TO GO bACk tO sHuqUn TO PlAy vBall.. Keke..WElL This TWO GirLS wiLL SO ExCitEd Tat They disturb my slp... BUt in THe ENd i WOkE uP LOh.. If NOt THey wiLl bE caLLinG n CALLinG.. LOlz.. dEn TOdAE OnLi siX Of Us wENt BaCK.. huIyi,BEehui, yOnGSIng,yinGLi, NiHui N Mi~! hEe...weLL mOsT OF uS WiLl laTe COs WE aGrEed TO meEt 12 But ALl cAMe LaTe.. HAa.. TodAe wAS AbIt bOriNg OsO.. COs WE TOt aLl tHe B giRLs wAs tHere BUt NOt ALl.. tWo mAin PlAyER nbEr caMe.. hAi!~ But sTILl play hAPpIlY.. hAa.. weLL WE WIn 3-0 hAAa... cOs We OLd GiRLs WiLl PlAyinG a FOOl In THe COuRT.. It mAKe THe AtmOsPheRe mOre rElax Ya.. But ThE B GiRLs WiLL LIke kInDa BoRinG.. NO MOOd TO PlAy wItH Us.. hAIz.. neXt weEK caNt GO bACk.. Cos GOt TO woRK.. HaIyO!~ DOn NOe WhEN wiLL plAy WiTH THem AgAin!~

WE wILl aLl So hungRy So dEciDeD to GO EnTertAinMeNT TO eAt OUr DiNnEr.. CHaT ALOt COs QuiTE LOnG nBeR SaW yinGLi Le..But SHe is plAyinG FOr THe YouTH TEam.. ya.. dEn FurOnG COme TO FinD huIyi.. We ChaTtEd Abt SiX dEn aLL wENt sepAratE wAYs.. reaCh My grAndparENts House At SIx PlUs DEn EaT aGAin!~ LOlz.. hAIz.. cANnOt carry On LikE tAT.. rEALLi beCOmE piGgy LiAO.. Keke... MUst cOntRol!!!!! hEee... dEn My COuSIn cAMe ABt 7 plus.. WOoO!~!~! SO LOnG nbEr c TheM Le.. mIss ThEM ALOt.. ChatTEd ALOt tOO.. LOlz.. DOn NOe WheN wiLl Be mEeTinG thEM AgAIn.. maYBe AfTeR My ExAM Ba.. dEn CAN GO OuT TOGethER aGAIn Ya! :P Ah!!! sAw jASminE jus NOw.. SHe TOLd mi Her GranDfaTer passeD aWAe.. My giRL Take it eASy ya.. hOPe SHe is FIne COs sAW Her eYes vERi rEd SIaz.. Must tAKE caREz WOrx..

~!~!~! A TruE sToRy whiCh TouCH My heArt~!~!~!

> Cynthia and Alvin used to be a couple, and no one could separate the duo
> matter where they went. Their parents had disapproved of the relationship,
> but the two stayed true to each other.
> After his 'A' levels, Alvin did exceptionally well and won a scholarship
> prestigious university overseas. Afraid that their relationship might
> affect his studies, Alvin's parents approaches Cynthia, wanting her to
> off with him. For the sake of Alvin's future, Cynthia agreed to it.
> It was a heartbreaking moment, as Cynthia walked away from Alvin after
> telling him the news. He was devastated. A few days later, she heard from
> Alvin's sister that Alvin had left for London.
> Months passed, Cynthia did not hear from Alvin. Sometimes, she could no
> bea r it and would call his sister to find out more about him. Apparently,
> Alvin was doing well in his studies and he had found a new girlfriend.
> sister even told Cynthia of Alvin's plans to marry the new girl after his
> graduation.
> Cynthia was shattered, but she knew that it was for the best. She tried
> forget him, but found out that she could not. Gradually, she grew
> and started to think about committing suicide more and more often.
> ************************
> One night, she received a phone from Alvin. " I miss you. I will be
> to visit you soon. Wait for me," and he hung up.
> That night, she dreamt about Alvin. In the dream, he told C ynthia that he
> was very happy to see her. When she asked him about his new steady, he
> denied having one and tears spilled from his sad eyes. However, before she
> could ask further, he vanished right in front of her.
> The next day, Cynthia called Alvin's sister and told her about the dream.
> To Cynthia's surprise, the sister burst into tears.
> "Sorry, I have been lying to you all along about Alvin. The truth was
> my brother was already dead. He was killed in an accident six months
> "Why did you lie to me?"
> "I hope that this would make you forget him. Alvin would never want you
> be sad. He couldn't bear it."
> ********************* ** *
> As if Cynthia knew that he would call again, she went home and waited for
> his phone call that night. True enough, at around the same time, the
> rang.
> "You should know where I am calling from."
> "Yes."
> "I could not forget you."
> "Neither can I."
> "Would you still have me as your boyfriend? I can't be there with you
> physically, but we can still talk like this."
> "I would love to."
> ************************
> "How you manage to fix the phone so fast? Cynthia was talking on the
> the whole of last night." Cynthia's mother asked her husband, as he came
> through the door.
> "The phone's still spoilt. What are you talking about?"
> In horror, the parents looked at Cynthia who was still talking on the
> phone.


SiTTinG In THe Bus ALOnE.. ThinkInG WhEthER Is A ChaNce TO saVe THe reLaTIonSHIp But thERe's NotHinG i cAn do.. COs It's reALli over.. haVinG TO PUt A brAVe fRonT is ALl i CAn DO.. bUt if U fEels reaLLi hAPPy dEn GO AheAd With it.. COs NoTHinG cAn StOP u fROm fEELinG hApPy Ya.. EnJOy THe teEnAgE LiFe WhILe ALl i Can.. gRaD this oPPoRtUnItY TO leArn new THings In LiFe Ba.. AfTeR sEveRal faLls, manAgE tO GET uP On My feEt N sTart aLL ovER AgAin.. thoSe faLls hAVE maDe Mi gROwN Up.. mAKe mY THInKinG gROW MOre mEnTALlY N phYSicalLy Ba.. HEe.. wELL i hAvE reALLi GrOwn UP Le.. My LiFe WiLL stArt AnEw fROm todaE Ba.. hEe.. @tSk tsK@

wELL The sToRY WaS TAkEn Out fROm One OF mY eMAIls.. i DOn evEn reALLi nOe WhEThER THis StOry is reAL aNot but Jus feEL TOuCHed by it.. hOpE it TOuCh ur heArt TOo Ya.. hAb A NiCe dAe.. NitEz BlOg~! :pPpPp

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Friday, April 09, 2004
wOoOO HoOoOO~!~!!~ ToDaE wAS gD fRidAe.. My cLassmaTe gaThER TogEtheR TO gO SEnTOsA.. WeLL WE AgrEed To meEt 1030 BUt i WAs DAMn LaTE FOr OnE hR SIaz.. hEe.. LuCKy My clASsmaTe ALl VEri Gd nbEr ScoLD Mi.. hAIz it's ALL The pORIddGE FAuLt.. MADe Mi VOmIt n GiVE Mi SToMaCh PAIn.. SHit SIAz.. BUt wAs reALli fInE AfTer TAT.. thAnKz FOr Ur COncERn yEe.. This GiRL WAnTEd TO bRinG Mi mEdicInE SO TOUChInG SIaz.. ThaNKz ALOt~!~~!!~.. aS tOdAe WAs Gd fRIdAE TheRe werE ALOt of PP SIaz.. BUt i mANaGed TO get mysELF TAnNed.. haa.. Like THe rED rED COlouR.. hEe.. WEll ToDae Saw ALOt oF Pp At SunsEtbAy... Erm.. sAw AmAndA , AndReA n FeNg TaI.. hAa.. But nbEr sAW TheM AfTER tAt.. DOn NOe WheRe ThEy Go.. dEn sAw cHOng PinG osO.. wELl Did PlAy sOme Spike N SaVe WitH FurOng, huiyi N ChoNG pinG.. WeLl NOt FOrgEtTEn My classmaTe.. hAa.. THey quiTe FuNNy De.. weLl EnJoy my dAe WitH ThEM tODAe.. keke..

ARgH~!~~! WELl As u NOe TOdAe is PubLiC HOliDAe mAh.. wE wEnT TO hAb OUR shOwer.... WE waitEd Abt One hR PluS sIAz.. dAMn TirEd SIaz.. plUs So StiCKy N pAIn..whiLe waitInG fOr mY TuRn, it AlmOsT mAde mi faLl ASlEep In THe shOwER rOOm.. SO TirEd lei.. dEN The GuyS kEEp cALlinG us But We got NO ChoiCE mAh.. NOt likE thEM cAN baTh OpENLy Lei.. LOlz.. ToOPid GuyZ!!!!! hAa... dEn wE wAntEd TO TAKe Bus HOmE... SOmThInG hAPpEN AgAin!~!~!~ WE wantEd To CuT QuEue mAh... COs mY fREN was in THe QuEue.. Wah..the perSOn ASk us to GO Queue Up AgAIn SIaz.. DEN more iRritAtInG is The perSOn saw his fREnz DEn Let THem gO UP Lei.. ArGh!@~!~!~!~ DOn lEt Mi C hiM.. iDIOT Guy.. So wE waLK LOh.. dEn aftEr tAt OnE nicE Bus UnCLe stOP His BUs N LEt Us TAKe.. SO gD oF HIm.. HAa.. TELL u ALL smTh~!!~! FUrOnG faLl DOwn~~!~!~! :X OOPs.. LOlz.. BUt hOPe He wAS AlRigHT SIaz...

wELl Todae WAs CouplE Or in pairs Of GiRLz.. Mi wAS ALonE.. So i SIt ALone in The BuS dEn WE reaCh The underwater WorLD There WAs alot of PP gEttInG on THe Bus SIaz.. WhIle OnE Guy SittEd BeSide Mi Siaz.. ThinK he is Not SingApoRE SIaz.. vERi politE.. He Even oFfER Mi SweETs.. hAa.. bUt i nbEr TAke laH.. COs i MysELf oSO Got TwO pkTs of sWeEt.. later got diabetics.. wELl We ChaTtEd On THe jOurnEy TiLL We reACh THe EntRaNcE... my fREnz ALl vEri bAd SIAz.. SuaN Mi lEI.. SO pAI SEi..LucKy THe perSOn doEs Not NOe ChinEsE.. LOlz.. dEN TOdAE the GUy TOld mi it's he's 21st BirThdAE SO i Jus shaKe hANd WiTH HIm.. LOlz.. dEn we caTcH tHe bus tO HarBouR FrOnt.. WELl he DOn maNagE To Get On.. So He Jus waVe gD Bye TO Mi.. hAa.. bUt QuiTE SupriSEd lah.. COs He's nOt A LocAL.. Lolz.. hAIz!~ AftER One TirInG dAe.. WE oSO hungrY Le.. sO WEnt TO hArBouER FRont FOod COuRt TO EAt.. dEn i tOOk Bus HOmE~! kEKE.. weLL a meMorIable dAE fOr mi.. COs This is THe FirSt timE i GO oUT WiTH MY ClasSmaTe.. hEe.. reALLi hAb A NicE DAe.. ThaNKz PEEpZ~!


Loyal and generous
Active in games and interactions
Impatient and hasty
Influential in organizations
Fun to be with
Loves to socialize
Loves praises
Loves attention
Loves to be loved
Honest and trustworthy
Not pretending
Short tempered
Changing personality
Not egoistic
Take high pride in oneself
Hates restrictions
Loves to joke
Good sense of humor

hEe My HOROsCoPe.. wELl reALLi TALk aBt mi~!

Thank god for Thursday, April 08, 2004
hEeE hEeE!!!!!!!!!!!

wELl reALLi hAB A TirinG dAe sIa In SCH.. But eVeRyThinG weNt On FinE siaz..DurIng BreAK TImE slP IN cLAss wORx.. reALLi vERI tirEd SIaz.. dEN Was WokEn UP bY The bRancH Of MOnKEy in My CLass... SO NOiSy SIAz.. hAa.. wOOoOO ToMOlO We wERe bE GOinG to sEntOsA SIaz.. SO EXCitEd.. LOlz.. Don NOe WheThEr How FUn it WiLL Be.. keKE!~ wELl ToDaE MEEt FeLiCe bCOs we gO baCK cleAR lOcKeR.. kEKe.. dEn CHit ChAT ALl The wAy TiLL interCOn.. reALLi GOt ALOt oF THInG to cleAR SIAz.. hAa.. Tat bLuRr yEe.. reALLi BLuRr LeI.. TOok THe pAdlOcK HOMe.. LOLz.. SO FUNnY...dEn i wEnt To mEEt xiAOLi.. COs SHe viSITinG heR gRandmOtHer in THe HOspiTal.. wE sTaY TheRe AbT tWo hR PlUs den wE wENt TO eAT the fAMOuS poridDge At ChiNaTOWn.. YumYUm SIAz.. we Ate THe ChiCKeN WInG , SOme vEg TO GO ALOnG WiTH THe PoridDge.. YumMyY~!~!~! heE.. u ALl SuRe enVIous Mi rITe.. LOlz.. DOn EnViOuS Le.. nExT timE GO ToGethER.. keke.. Den I tOOk Bus HOmE.. WeLl GuEss Whu i sAw... ANGELA~!~!~!!~ She waS in her NuRsinG cloThes SIaz.. SHe is now hAvinG Attactment at SGH whIle SO envIOuS hER SIaz.. hEe.. wHILe We ChAT ALl tHe waY TiLL we reACH her hse.. SHe TOld Mi wad her Bf dO.. SO sweEt Of thEm.. WELl guEss They MusT Be A LOVInG CouPLe..So Guys Out thERe.. Must DOte On THe OnE u LOvE WOrx.. yA.. :P hAa.. WheN WiLl i gEt Tat ForTunAtE Lei.. hAA.. ThinK stILL LonG Ba..... nOw muST reALLi sTuDy hARd le.. hOPe TO gEt inTO The WorKinG PlaCe sOon.. COs nEEd mOnEY le.. hAIz.. WeLL GOt tO Go watCH THe FamouS LiU xInG YU le.. niTEz PEEPz..

@@@@DifFeRenCE bEtWEen GuYs N gIrLz@@@@

Guys drink to forget about the girl...
Girls drink to think back about the guy...

When guys are in love, they become poor.
When girls are in love, they become pretty...

Guys can forget, but cannot forgive...
Girls can forgive, but cannot forget..

Guys care the most about the quantity of love...
Girls care the most about the quality of love..

Guys break-up when they feel love from another Girl...
Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of Separation from her

Guys feel curiosity towards all girls...
Girls feel curiosity towards guys who are Interested in her..

When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget About the girl by going
out with another girl...
When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his Characteristics from another guy...

Guys wish to be her first love....
Girls wish to be his last love...

wElL WhEn iS My laSt lOvE~!~!!~~!!~!

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Wednesday, April 07, 2004

hAa.. My inTerneT wAs CUt OFf.. SO hAB TO WRitE THe BLOg IN sch.. yesterdAE quITE A shOrT dAE.. i Go LOng JOHn WitH M fRENz.. HAa.. ChAT n ChaT.. LOlz.. WeLL SaW A vERi CuTE InDiAn GUy.. He wAs FAt faT De.. BUt cuTE SIaz.. LOlz.. COs THe way He eAT vERi fUNNy mAh.. BUt QuiTE CutE dE.. My fRENz evEn TOOk A PiC Of HIm SIaz..yEe BrOugHT a NeW PhOnE yeSterdAE.. wELl SHe try tO TOOk My pIc.. bUt my hAIr mesSY.. HAa.. MaybE neXt TimE.. keKe.. yesteRdae sLP vERi eaRLy.. sO nOthinG to wRite aBt YesTeRDae.. hEe..

WhIch Is TodAE.. wELl QuitE AngRY In AccOunT lEsSOn SIaz.. In THe ENd I Nber Do The Qns untiL my TeACheR Go tHOUGH it.. SO ANgRy SIAz.. DEN WheN HuIYi Ask MI qNs.. i ShOwEd HEr My AngRy fACe.. WeLl NOt PuRpoSely wAN.. cOs i vERi AngRy mAHz.. dEN SHe haPpEn To Ask Mi hOw TO dO.. sO sOrRy AHz yEeEeeE.. dEn MicHeLle CamE to sCh TOdAE.. hAa.. We wEre ALl chATTinG wiTH Her.. hEe.. hAIz.. TOdAe OnLI yANLinG n I GO dAncInG todAe.. cOs faNny GOt sMTh On dEN BeAR beAr neEd to GO OUt.. NO CHOicE lOH.. hAa.. dEN todAe nIHUi wiLl wAit fOR Mi ba.. cOs hER LeSSOn TiLL 4.15 mIne TiLl 4.30.. hAa.. ThIs fEw dAEs KeEp meEtinG thIs GIrL.. hAaa... rEALLi NOthinG to dO SIaz.. LOlz.. ChAt quiTE ALot.. LOlz.. My PaRENt gOinG mALaySiA THis COminG FRidAE n reSt Of THe WeEKeNDz.. hAa.. SO haPI.. COs THe whOLe hOuSE is MinE.. LOlz.. DOn NOe wAD i GOing tO DO.. C HOw lAh.. LOlz.. hAB to gET gOiNg HAa.. cYAz..

hAa.. toDAe leSsOn FOr dAncIng WE leARnt Smth nEw lei..QuiTe FUn SIAz.. dEn i mEEt NIhui n bARt (usEd to worK in inteRCOn) At Mos BurGEr.. HaVe a WonDerFuL TaLK wItH HIm SIAz... nbEr SaW Him FOr almoST tWo yRs le bA.. FinALLy Saw Him.. sTiLl The sAMe Old HIm.. LOlz.. kEEp plAyinG wiTH his hP.. LOlz.. taKinG piCs n eTc.. Lolz.. dEn ChAt tiLl 7 pluS den wEnt HOmE.. hAIz.. tOdAE reALLi SuA dAE SIAz.. onE saLEsmaN CAme Over TO my hSe fOr promOtIOn of SIngnET brOadbANd.. dEn U ALl NOe wAd.. my Mum wAs SO AngRy TAT She sAE Mi DOn siGN ANYthinG on The paPer SIaz.. COs sHe ScaREd i kaNa chEAtEd.. i wAS kANa PiSsEd oFf.. the perSOn EvEn giVe us HIs IC numBEr n His PhOnE numbEr SIaz.. TOmOlo i wiLl tRy to CALl SingtELl n aSK Ba.. dEn i GO fOr A jOg AgAIn COs my mUm wAS SO AngRy tAt i THInk SHe WANtEd TO eAT mi uP sIAz.. i DON WAN to sAW her fACe So i wENt FOr jOGgING.. DEn mId wAy duRIng THe rUn sAW ALot of sIngnET Pp SIaz.. Like tHe PROmOtOR.... dEn EvERyonE teLL mi DId i maKe the ritE chOiCe.. i gOt frEe DVd n mOdEn... Plus i gEt To pAy leSser Lei.. But My Mum sTILl AngRY.. wANtEd to paY ExtRA.. sHe THink SHe GOt ALOt of MOnEy Ahz.. wAn to pay SO mUch.. i Now DOn EvEn hAb jOb lei.. wAN to Pay so muCh mEh.. i dON wAN loh.. hAIz.. SOmEtime she tOo stuBboRN LIao.. i osO DOn NOe wAd TO SAe.. lEt her be laHz.. whU ASk hER TO Be my MUm.. mUSt ShOw respeCt... POor ^yy^.. hEhe.. weLL wrIte tiLl here Ba.. cYAz...

@@LoVe Poemz@@

I was sort of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.

Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.

The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.

So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me if I stare,
At the fantasy I knew before,
I saw you standing there.

For I was always hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Tuesday, April 06, 2004
waH~!~!~! MiSs My BLOg AlOt..*MuaCKz* AlthOuGh oNli a fEW dAES nbEr COmE In But i GOt ALot To WriTe.. hee..

QuiTE fOrgEt wAd i DId.. i Went To HEarTs On FirE WitH bEehuI.. WeLl We weNt TO diNnER FirSt.. dEn WE TAKe The ShUTtLe bUs to ChuRch.. The SeRmOn was Gd On taT dAE.. fEelIng The prEsEnCE Of gOd WAs TheRE AgAin.. hAvE The MoViTatIOn tO Do ALl my THinGs.. To giVe UP waD i sHld YeAHz.. hEe.. dEN At aBt NiNE PlUs i MeEt NiHUi At Cck fOr A dRInK N cHaT LOh.. cHAt tILL One PlUs Den mY AngRy daDdDy CaLL.. AsK Mi wAD Time i WILL Be GOinG hOmE... hE sAe We GiRLs ReALLi LikE tO TaLk aLOt SiAz.. LOlz.. saWing HiM sO AngRy i tOld NiHui i neEd To Go HOme Le.. hAa.. weLL i reACh HOmE mY dAd Is AlreAdy In SlPinG lAND.. LOlz.. SO gETting tirEd, I tOOk A QuiCK ShOwEr DEnWeNT TO bED~!!~!~!~!hEe~!~!~

On ThiS boRinG dAe.. hEe.. i Slpt tiLL tEN pLuS dEn WOkE Up fEEliNg blurRrRr~!~! LOlz.. DEn watCh CartOOn(my FavouriTe) hEe... dEn aBt Two PlUs Tat toOPId xiAOLi CALl Mi.. Keke..cOs wE inteND tO gO ChiOng Tat NitEz.. dEN i mEEt FeLice N xiaoLi cOs She SAE her mUm ASk Mi ovEr fOr dinnER.. dEn wEnt OvEr To hER hSe, Her sLibinG wiLl ALl caLLinG my naMe.. Haa.. WELl ShLD hAvE guESs hOw PoPular I wAs Ya... LOlz.. afTeR HaVinG DiNnER WE ROt TiLL 8 PluS dEn We mEEt jeAn At Je.. WeLL She WaS weARinG vERi RetRO TaT NitEz.. QuitE A cUte sKirT sHe WoRE... LOlz.. WE WEnt TO DeViL's bAr... tAt WAs nOt sO cRoWdEd bEfOrE 12.. HaVinG A gReAt Fun Of TeChnO N RnB MuSiC.. hEe.. weLL reALLi LiKe tAt plaCe.. gD PlaCe tO ReLEAsE stResSs.. lOts Of ArMy guY N prETty GirLs oVer ThERe.. ERm.. guess hAb to rEDuce mORe weIgHt LOlz.. wELL thANkz TO jeAn N HeR BF COs He SENt MI hOMe..hEe.. dEn reACh hOMe i watCh pAssIOn of THe chRIsT TiLL FOuR PlUs COs hab tO waIt TiLl mY hAIr tO dRy.. dEn wENt tO BEd Le... OinK~! OInK~!!~! :P

sLp tiLl twelVE plUs DEn XiAO huA cALL Mi.. We wENt FOr A MovIE N Of COs DinNer At SwEnsEN.. hAA.. dEn AfTEr tAT i GO FInd NihUI COs nEEd TO PAss Her VCd.. weLl SUndAe wAS A SHOrt DAe FOr MI.. LOLz.. BUt QuiTE OK Ya.. hEe...

yeSteRdAe i wAs laTe FOr ScH.. ArGh~!~!~!!~~! nOt my fAuLt LEi.. i CAme OuT eaRlY LEi.. ThE Bus wAs SO FuLL WiTH PP.. TWO Bus jUs pAss By The Bus SToP yEstERdae.. SO mAd SIaz.. dEn sAw weImInG At THe MRt StaTiOn.. dEN We waLk SLowLy to SCh LOh.. HEe.. wE wAiT fOr tHe COunSeLLor TO Go In insiDe THe sCH le dEN WE wALk tO SCh.. Like tAt NO nEEd TO Sing naTIoNAl anthem Mahz..LOlz... The daE waS reALLi tirinG bUt QuiTE Ok LAhz.. dEN We meEt MicheLLe afTer Our sCh.. WENt TO MOS burger to eAt.. dEN afTer tAT i went HOme witH nIhUI N fAnNy.. I n Her wErE reaLLi GoSsIPinG sIaz.. tAT WE WEnt TO CcK tO gOSsIP.. LOlz.. dEn wEnt TO LOT 1 TO wALk wALK.. LOlz.. hAa.. wELl aT leASt mi N fany ReaLli ReleaSe OUr pROblEM.. hAa.. reALLi KindA FUnNY.. Keke.. BUt wAS rEALLi a WOndErFUl NitEz YA.. hAa.. wELl WriTE to heRe.. wiLL cOntInUe In TOmOlo IT lEsSon.. KEKe.. cYz frENz.. :pPp

No SiGHt Of HIm Le.. mAyBe THis Is The ENdINg Of It Le.. Ya.. StiLL wiLl COnTInUe tO LeAd My MeanInGFUL Life Ya.. hAAa.. COs i'm a hAPPy GO LucKy peRSOn YeAhz.. hAaa.. hOPe to FInd mY tRuThFUl wAnt.. maYbe He is ThERe wAiTinG fOr mI bA ya.. :P

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****

Thank god for Friday, April 02, 2004
laLAlALa.. Jus did FinIsH my It WOrk.. NOw ChatTing wiTH mY ClaSSmaTe.. LOl.. ChAt aBt THe PhonE PrIce cheCk abT The PhONe.. Etc.. LOlz.. TALk Abt ChuRch.. hEe.. wELl reALLi Feel relieF Tat I wAs GOinG bAck To ChURch TOdAE.. hAa.. wELl It's A neW BEgIn FOr Mi.. hAa.. HoPe GOd wiLL OnCE AgAIn ReFrEsH y heArt Ya.. kEkE... HAa.. wELl laTer GOing TO attENd A TALk laTer.. hOPe it FiNiSh firSt.. if NOt reALLi SiAnz.. If nbEr GO nEEd to c MUMmy LUm SIaz.. HAa.. SO bEtTER gEt GOinG le.. cYAz aT NiTEz.. BlogGY.. LOLz..

Thank god for Thursday, April 01, 2004
hAa.. YEstERdAE nBer BlOg AGAIn.. LOlz.. cOs slP eaRlY mAhz..tiREd SIaz.. So COmE SCh N blOg.. LOLz.. ScArE TAt i nber pAy biLl dEn KAna cUt OFf mY bRoAdbAnD le.. LOlz.. *nERVouS* laTeR i WILl Be hAVing My PrEsEntAtIOn.. hOPe eveRythiNG gO On weLl.. COs i ScAre prEsENtaTIon SIAz.. scArE i WiLl Be StuNnEd n DOn NOe waD To dO.. hEe.. HoPe EvERYthInG Go ON fiNE... hAa.. WiSH Mi LuCK.. LOlz.. mY BroThEr is SicK TOdAE.. He AHz SO LouSy SIaz.. yestErDae ORbI SlP lAtE LOh.. dEn tOdAe WaKe uP hEadAchE hAa.. LouSy PiG!! keke..

wELL THInk I NbEr Msg hIM hE WOnt MsG Mi aHZ.. So sAD SIAz.. buT nVM.. cOS uSEd TO It Le.. hAa.. gOt TImE dEN i msg Him bA.. LOlz.. Cos He iS So Busy N tirEd PiGgy.. tHinK hE WOnT maKe TImE fOr Mi OsO.. bUt JUs Wan TO hEaRd hiS voIcE Is TAt reALli sO DiFfiCuLt Mah.. hAiZ.. mAyBe reALLi tat diFFiCuLt mAh.. HAa.. mAybE i reALLi nEed To ASk HIm wAd Is He thInKing bA.. cOs This RelAtionSHiP Cant mAintAin Like Tat.. Lolz.. Oh~!~!~ Must Get Ready FOr prEStEnTaTiOn le.. ByEe byEe.. gD luCK~!~!:PpPpP

hAa.. wOoO.. todAE aftER Sch WeNt TO maRinA wiTh huIyi N niHUi.. WeNt WindOw ShOpPinG.. N hELp HUiYi To COLlEcT hER MoViE TiCKets FOr The "PaSsiOn Of THe ChRISt".. hAa.. yEe vERi trICkY.. uSe NiHuI bus PAss To gEt her TiCkeTs.. hAa.. dEn borROw NihuI's buSpAss fOr her MoViE On SATurDae, if THe peRSOn wAn tO cHeCK.. LOlz.. vERi TrICkY SIaz.. HAa.. whU ASk Her TO bE bOrN On The dEc.. LOlz.. :p eRm.. AfTEr CoLlEcTiNG The TiCkEts.. We wEnt To CarreFouR To GET SOme fOOd.. We weRe VeRi hungrY.. WAntEd To gET AbIt.. hAa.. But in THe enD tAT becAME ouR DiNnEr.. LOlz.. We BrOugHt SuSHi, PiZza N drAnK cOFFEe BeAn.. YumYUm!~~! So FuLl SIaz.. dEn WE sit OuTsiDe The CoFfEE bEAn N GoSSiP SmTh We ShLdn't GoSsip AbT.. LOlz.. Mi N yEe wAs reALli eXcitEd Cos we kEEp mEnTion On ***(FOr u tO GuEss~!~!) hAa.. wE Chat TiLl 7 PlUs SIaz.. LOlz.. it's BeEn A LOnG TimE SInCe WE aLl Sit dOwn N ChAt... hAa.. WEll SoMEtimE it's gD To Be The "AunTIEs" To GoSSiP AbT OthERs.. LOlz..

AfTer TAt we pass By The LiFE bOokShOp..maYbe it's God's WiLl.. A ForCe asKinG Mi to gO intO tAT ShOP.. wELl.. jus hAPpEn TO LOok at The Cd... A SuDDEn reCaLl of Mi in EvAngEl WheN i uSe tO SInG sOnG To WOrShiP My LoRD.. So i dEcided To BrougHt 2 CD.. dEn huIyi haPPen tO ASK THe salesmAn aBt pARt timE jOb.. wELl To My SupRisEd.. They NEEded paRt timEr LikE us.. so i N yEe DecidEd To FiLl in OuR pArtiCulArs.. The SaLemaNs tOld Mi tAT all The pArt-TimErs theRe WiLl ALl ChRistian SIaz.. So i hAb To Go bAck to mY LoRd in OrDER TO gEt Tat job.. maYbE TAt is ReaLli A TImE For Mi to gO bACK to bE wiTh The lORd.. SO TOmOlo i WiLl Be gOinG bACk To heARt On FirE.. hOPe gOd wiLl OncE AgAin AccePt Mi aGain.. lET Mi bE fiLL WiTh His preSEncE AgAin.. ThaNKz gOd..

My besT FRen is In reALli strEss This feW daEs.. but theRe Was nOthInG i cAN Do to heLp Her.. SHe Was HAVinG SomE pRobLEm WiTH Her bF.. fEelinG sAD fOr Her... BUt i cAN OnLi LeNd a heLpinG eAr.. hOPe eVeRyThinG is Fine FOr hER.. vERi woRRied for hEr.. HoPe goD CAn bleSs her, to OvERCOme her strEss.. my GiRl wHEn it's TIme To lET go.. Just Let it GO Ba.. : )

WeLl i nbEr msg Him FOr Two daEs le bA.. HAa.. But hE DOn eVEn msg mi toO.. WeLl MayBe i rEaLli CAn prEteNd NoTHinG have hAPPEn.. COs nOw my LiFe is wOndERFuL.. i'm GOinG baCk to Be In God's prEseNcE.. fEelinG kind Of hAPpi Ba.. wILl Think Of hiM SOmEtimE.. BUt WheN it's uRs iT WiLl bE urs.. FOrCe Oso NO use Ya.. :P So i leARn to "kan De kai" le.. Jus CrAPz witH My fREnz wiLl Be More FUn Ba.. wELl gETtinG cLosEr N CLoSEr to My ClaSsmaTE.. ThiNK LiFe In SCh WOnT Be SO boREd AfTEr aLl.. COs ALl my fRENz R LaMeRz.. keke.. kIndA EnJOyinG my Life NOw.. LOlz.. gEtTing More n MOre Fun Le.. hAa.. hOPe everYonE WiLl Be hAPPy.. NO WoRriEs Ya.. :P *huGgiEs* MuAAaCCckkKkkZzZz*

****I AlwAys ThOuGHt ThAT I wAs hurt when I diDn’T receive hIs LoVe. InSteAd, I FoUnD OuT mY PaiN CaMe FrOm WhEN I dIdn’t gIvE HiM eNoUgH LOVe ****